Why aren't you riding MS anymore? Please ride them some more, you fit Xbone description nicely.
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PS4 - 399 us dollars(quiet, more powerful, smaller, no batteries)
Xbox One - 399 us dollars (less powerful, bigger, has power supply, uses batteries)
Really. If Microsoft wants to have better sale then Microsoft should sell Xbox One with Kinect 399 us dollars. Xbox One without Kinect won´t help unless they sell Xbox One without Kinect like 299 us dollars. The problem is, Microsoft has no vision. They wanted push online gaming, always online but then they dropped this. Then they said how important is 300 000 dedicated servers but now we find out that most games still not using dedicated servers. Then we heard how important is cloud but now we haven´t seen anything. Then Microsoft talked lot about Kinect and now they dropped Kinect.
Microsoft should sell Xbox One 299 us dollars(without Kinect) or keep 399 us dollars and give Kinect with Kinect Sports Rivals.
What is the point when it has no kinect, its weaker console and same price? You can´t sell at same price without giving anything extra. Give then 1 year free Xbox Live, or 2 free game. Microsoft greedy makes them lose.
Yes, Sony and Nintendo also wants your money but at least Sony and Nintendo has vision.
Sony: "We give you most powerful console, 1080P games, freedom to game developers"
Nintendo: "We innovation our Gamepad, we make great exclusive games, we are family friendly"
Microsoft: "We change world with Kinect... um no... we drop kinect. Um we make gaming much better with cloud... um joke... we don´t have cloud... ummm.. we give 300 000 dedicated servers... only for few games"
I don´t understand. They want casual gamers with Kinect or hardcore gamers? What is their message? If it´s about games then why sell console with same price when its so much weaker than PS4? I don´t get it.
You crazy the xboxone is at least worth 375$ if they ask 400$ for the ps4. As much as the xbox one is a steaming pile of dung, the ps4 got it's fair share of it.The ps4 is a weak ass system, you could build a system 8 years ago that matched the power of the ps4.
The kinect can play a big part in the upcoming VR craze, that thing works on windows as well.
1080p? you crazy, in cross gen games maybe, but next gen games will never be 1080p otherwise they simply wouldn't be next gen games. The ps4 is better than the xboxone, but that difference is as much between a 100$ gpu and a 125$ gpu.
For instance watchdogs. The PlayStation 4 version runs at 900p resolution. The Xbox One version runs at 792p resolution. Both output at 30 frames per second. If the playstation 4 was that much stronger we should have seen other numbers lol. Some devs screwed it up with the xboxone, like rebellion for instance but that doesn't change anything.
Be ready for the worst gen ever, because these console are the biggest ripoff in console history.
I think the problem is Microsoft has fucked up, their console is more expensive to make even without Kinect, so if they were to sell it cheaper than the PS4 they would probably be selling it below the cost to manufacture.
I don't think their investors would go for it.
Then they just need to suck it the **** up and do that. Sold PS3 for $200 below manufacture cost for over a year...and that was the $600 version. They ate that shit then the produced versions that were more affordable to match the 360 cost keeping blu-ray but losing BC.
If MS wants to play in this game they need to make people want to buy their system not the other way around. No one owes MS anything for making a console but that is the attitude they have had since last generation.
For all the criticism Microsoft has gotten this generation, I think they've not only fixed the majority of the Xbox One's launch mistakes but they've also made the Xbox ecosystem fairer to consumers finally. They did so under pressure from Sony, but comparing where we are today to where we were 2 years ago Xbox looks better to me. You can actually do things with a Silver account finally! The ridiculous 32gb external drive limit is gone, as are proprietary hard drives and high rates of system failure (as far as I know). EA access looks decent and Sony should at least give consumers the option to take it if they want to.
I'm not going to say the Xbox One is of equal value to a PS4, since they are the same price and one is obviously technically superior. But I will say the Xbox One looks way better to me now than it did last year. So I don't really see a problem; the message has become muddled but that's fine because their original message was so unpopular.
If they announce free backwards compatibility in gamescom. That'll be a game changer.
yes playing x1/x360 games on ur shiny new console with the same shitty resolution is an amazing must have feature
Yes streaming your old PS3 and PS2 games using a laggy Wifi connect on PSNow is a better alternative. Especially when you pay $2.99 for 4 hrs. Please do us all a favor and just STFU already. Everytime you open your mouth you just own yourself.
@bldgirsh: Game changer, or input changer?
If I wanted to play Xbox and 360 games, what logic would it make to buy an Xbone to do it?
Because Nintendo is better at gaming and hardware than Microsoft.
1. subjective
2. Uh.. no.
You're forgetting Nintendo's flip flop. They tried to say they were going for the core gamers, then backpedaled.
There's a reason for that. The "core" gamer wasn't going to ever support them anyway and it was evident in the outcry that was Bayonetta 2's announcement.
Even Sean Malstrom, who is Nintendo's biggest critic, dislikes the "core" gamers.
If they announce free backwards compatibility in gamescom. That'll be a game changer.
yes playing x1/x360 games on ur shiny new console with the same shitty resolution is an amazing must have feature
Yes streaming your old PS3 and PS2 games using a laggy Wifi connect on PSNow is a better alternative. Especially when you pay $2.99 for 4 hrs. Please do us all a favor and just STFU already. Everytime you open your mouth you just own yourself.
haha u clown did i say ps now was an amazing service? stick to talking shit about china
Honestly must be very hard to support Xbox One when all they do is change polices all of them in fact, I mean the fact is the Xbox One was made for Multimedia OPurposes first and gaming second, even the developers of the X1 state this in many interviews they didn't put graphics at the forefront of there project it was this all in one box, but now there trying to crawl back to it being game centered but the machine wasn't built for that, for me they mucked up, they had a great thing going with the 360 why try and be something it shouldn't be.
to add to your list, most of the Exclusive games they are coming out with are making it's way to PC and it's giving me less reason to even own an X1, why buy a console when i know third party games are going to be much better on my PC and now Exclusive X1 games are being shared between the 2, I mean Exclusives are what really define each console, Nintendo have amazing first party games but lack third party support so that's always going to be a secondary console for me. PS4 we know that Exclusives are coming and a big number haven't even been announced yet, and third party games are playing better on the console, I mean honestly if i was a mutual and was looking for which one to buy and they were both the same price, Sony has the upper hand, I know it's hard for some people to get there heads around it, but X1 has not much to offer really.
There's nothing MS can do now. X1's fate was sealed once the rumored specs turned out to be a reality. Were the X1 more powerful or at least as powerful as PS4 these sales numbers would be very different.
I think the same questions were uttered last gen but were aimed at Sony and the early debacle of the PS3. However, Sony got their feet under them and we saw how it ultimately turned out. MS can do the same with the X1.
I think you haters need to find something else to hang your hat on besides whether or not a X1 game is 1080p or not. Somehow, some way we played games FOR 8 YEARS LAST GENERATION and only a very small percentage of them hit 720p. To me if MS can have the vast majority of its games land somewhere in the 900p-1080p range, then I am good with that!
Those don't mean anything TC, what MS needs to focus on is games. There's been plenty of underpowered consoles that have shined in the past. Sega Genesis (arguably), PS2 are two examples off the top oft head. Both were great consoles.
Because Nintendo is better at gaming and hardware than Microsoft.
1. subjective
2. Uh.. no.
Not possible for this to be subjective. Microsoft has been gaming with the Xbox for 14 years and has -3,000,000,000 usd to show for it. Nintendo has been doing it for much longer and has actually made money. Nintendo is better at gaming and gaming hardware than Microsoft.
I'm sorry, but how is saying "X is better at games" NOT subjective? It's basically saying who, in your view, leads the pack. You can't be subjective on hardware and in that aspect, MS leads Nintendo by far and have done so since the PS2/XBOX/GC gen.
PS4 - 399 us dollars(quiet, more powerful, smaller, no batteries)
Xbox One - 399 us dollars (less powerful, bigger, has power supply, uses batteries)
Really. If Microsoft wants to have better sale then Microsoft should sell Xbox One with Kinect 399 us dollars. Xbox One without Kinect won´t help unless they sell Xbox One without Kinect like 299 us dollars. The problem is, Microsoft has no vision. They wanted push online gaming, always online but then they dropped this. Then they said how important is 300 000 dedicated servers but now we find out that most games still not using dedicated servers. Then we heard how important is cloud but now we haven´t seen anything. Then Microsoft talked lot about Kinect and now they dropped Kinect.
Microsoft should sell Xbox One 299 us dollars(without Kinect) or keep 399 us dollars and give Kinect with Kinect Sports Rivals.
What is the point when it has no kinect, its weaker console and same price? You can´t sell at same price without giving anything extra. Give then 1 year free Xbox Live, or 2 free game. Microsoft greedy makes them lose.
Yes, Sony and Nintendo also wants your money but at least Sony and Nintendo has vision.
Sony: "We give you most powerful console, 1080P games, freedom to game developers"
Nintendo: "We innovation our Gamepad, we make great exclusive games, we are family friendly"
Microsoft: "We change world with Kinect... um no... we drop kinect. Um we make gaming much better with cloud... um joke... we don´t have cloud... ummm.. we give 300 000 dedicated servers... only for few games"
I don´t understand. They want casual gamers with Kinect or hardcore gamers? What is their message? If it´s about games then why sell console with same price when its so much weaker than PS4? I don´t get it.
You sound like a woman with a serious case of PMS.Holy smoke,lighten up.
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