Basically everything except music and sports games.
For some reason though, my collection is made up of mostly Action/Adventure and JRPGs. I keep telling myself to stop buying JRPGs.
What's that I bought SMT IV and Project X Zone before I even had a 3DS? What? Pokemon's coming up? Hmm? Bravely Default? Somebody stop me so I can play other genres!
Are those systems in your sig the only ones you own? No PS3, no 360 or PC? Because if so, it explains everything..
Yeah, I have sigs off, but I own a Original Xbox now (and sort of own a 3DS), I don't think I've updated it though. Guess what? I want a PS3 almost solely for the JRPGs, Demon's/Dark Souls, Dragon Crown, Ni No Kuni, et cetra.
I'm terrible. I don't even end up liking quite a decent number of the JRPGs I play. Gah!
PC is different though. Gotta play me some Super Meat Boy at some point, looks great. PC seems to lack JRPGs, fine by me.
Also, could you explain how that explains everything?
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