Maybe it doesn't count because I'm so young, but my favorite gen so far was 6th gen.
I loved my PS2, my Xbox, and my Gamecube (never got a dreamcast =/).
I easily spent over $5000 last gen.
This gen, only about $3000 so far.
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Its a damn FACT that noone can deny , despite what ppls opinions/tastes are , that the big "jump", the real revo/evolution was upon PS/Saturn/N64 era.
New graphics ( 3d) made games more alive and realistic.
New gameplays made games more immersive and intense.
New genres , because of the graphics and the new gameplay elements ( RE - MGS etc)
Innovations like no other , Zelda , Mario 64 , MGS , Tekken , RE , Tony Hawk , GT and so many other freakin awesome games came to our homes. Games that because of THAT gen , continue to amaze us and be AAA material.( Some even are AAAA).
New , evolutionary refresh to previous games. For example FF7..was THE revolution not only for FF franchise , but for the whole JRPG market/community.
Because of THAT gen , market grow so much, with 1/2 ppl in the world know the word 'Playstation' and sales like no other , gave the opportunity to small developer teams try their best and amaze us out of nowhere with awesome AAA games.
I mean , i could say MY best era was X because i liked it more , but in fact , the PS/Sat/N64 era was the start of all , so we have the strong gaming market we have today. So obviously, whatever my taste is , was the best gen. Ever. I doubt we gonna see better gen than that ever.
Best Generation: 4th(SNES,Genesis):
Too many Genre defining titles came out during this generation to not list it as the best. Every generation since has built upon many of the bases that these games created(and they of course from the nintendo era and before). Platformers were huge, as were RPGs,action games, and the first FPS on a console.
Doom,Donkey Kong Country,Super Mario RPG,FF 6(FF3 in America),Zelda:A Link to the Past(best zelda ever imo) ,Chrono Trigger,Earthbound,Super Mario Allstars(OMG ALL THE MARIOS IN ONE!?!?!?!?!),Toe Jam and Earl ,NBA Live 95,Sonic,Phantasy Star,Shining Force
Second Best: 5th(PS,N64,Saturn,GBC):
This is the biggest jump that there will ever be in terms of graphics(unless Virtual Reality, or immersive 3d is ever achieved). The jump from 2d to non-pseudo 3d allowed much more creativity, and the ability to create a much more immersive experience.
In addition to the move from 2d to 3d there were many memorable games, and arguably the greatest lineup of games of any generation. From Final Fantasy,Suikoden,Xenosaga,Super Mario 64,Zelda:OOT toPerfect Dark, Goldeneye, SSB,Conker, and Banjo.
Second Worst: This Generation:
Let's be honest, we're 3 and a half years into this generation(initial release of the xbox360) and there still seems to be a incredible lack of memorable games. This generation is focused on multiplayer capabilities which gives single games a extreme amount of replayability allowing you to not truly notice the fact that there is not much out there that's worth the time and effort. There are many games on the horizon that will hopefully change this generations spot, but currently as is, it is clearly one of the worst generations in history, and given the hardware and potential of the consoles I find it to be ridiculous.
Worst:First Generation:
Let's be honest Pong was a revolution, and the first mainstream video game. But it was a sh**** game. But I give it props for being the granddaddy of all video games.
Disagree with the statement about this gen being horrible. There have been plenty of spectacular games this gen, single and multiplayer.
[QUOTE="WeaponX295"]We're only 3 years into this generation as you've said and yet we've had so many amazing games:
Call of Duty 4, Bioshock, GTA IV, MGS4, Halo3, Resistance, Gears of War, Uncharted, Mass Effect, The Orange Box, Warhawk, Rock Band, Zelda: Twilight Princess, Mario Galaxy, Smash Bros. Brawl, Condemned, Metroid Prime 3, Assassin's Creed, Ratchet and Clank Future, Unreal Tournament 3.
And there are so many more still to come:
Gears of War 2, Resistance 2, Fallout 3, Left 4 Dead, Little Big Planet, Infamous, Guitar Hero 4, Rock Band 2, Resident Evil 5, Mirror's Edge, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, the list could go on.
The problem with this gen is that the majority of those games are sequels, and very few of them are groundbreaking, innovative or genre-defining.
There isn't a single game on that list that I would personally consider to be the best in its respective genre (in many cases, they aren't even the best in their respective series)...with the possible exception of Rock Band (maybe).
alot of those games were new franchises were born this gen, gears, uncharted, bioshock, resisitance, mirror's edge etc. i think this gen has been great.
innovation is overrated.
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