I beat Stellar Blade! Thought it was pretty good. The combat was “stellar”, while the side quests and semi-open world were meh. But the main campaign was well done, although the characters and story weren’t as interesting as Nier Automata. The enemy design was hit or miss too. But I can imagine the second game being amazing if they want to make another one. I’ll go with 8.5/10! Really well polished game, fun gameplay, and the music was great too.
And before that, I beat FF7 Rebirth. Both FF7 Remake and FF7 Rebirth are incredible games, and I enjoyed them for different reasons. Rebirth was massive; I couldn’t believe Square Enix put so much effort into just about everything into this game. But the real star of the show are the characters, the story, and the combat system. That was amazing, and I can’t wait for the next game. 9.5/10! Oh, and I put 150 hours into the game, which is super rare for me. I don’t remember the last time I did that.
How about you, SW? What was the last game you beat and what would you rate it?
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