I recently gave someone Street Fighter V. They seemed to enjoy it, but I then realized how convoluted the menu system is in that game. Definitely not that intuitive.
How about you? What was the last game you gifted someone? Did they enjoy it?
I recently gave someone Street Fighter V. They seemed to enjoy it, but I then realized how convoluted the menu system is in that game. Definitely not that intuitive.
How about you? What was the last game you gifted someone? Did they enjoy it?
I did my Humble Bundle giveaway maybe a year ago on here.
Speaking of which, I've got a lot of games to give away now, might be time for another thread.
On topic. We have family from out of town,who I've turned on to last guardian and also ark. They seem to enjoy both.
Your PS5 is so boring that you made this thread?
How are derail attempts this blatant not against the rules? This is just sad lol.
@sts106mat: you have nothing else to play, so you replied to THIS topic.
I am at work. LOL if you think i sit on my PC at home replying to posts on SW.
You should call your coworkers over to your desk and show them what you do. I bet they'll really be impressed by you having nothing better to do than cry over a piece of plastic lol.
Gifted SFV CE upgrade to a couple of dudes I was running sets with. Of course they were already into the game, mainly did it for the extra costumes and stages, so they liked it.
Before that, gifted Champ TW101 on PC. Mainly because he gifted me Halo MCC, couldn't let him have the upper hand.
They seemed to enjoy it, but I then realized how convoluted the menu system is in that game. Definitely not that intuitive.
Weird take man.
It's all right there, clear as day on the main menu lol.
Even if you've never played a fighting game and don't understand what the tabs mean, they give a full description at the bottom each time you cycle over one.
@ConanTheStoner: lol.. I was thinking along the lines of the settings but point taken. And yes, the person is used to simpler games 😄
It's been years since I've gifted a game. I used to gift games to my brother - I think the last might have been Dishonored Definitive Edition for his PS4. But he's got even less gaming time than me now, I think. So I think there's a decent chance a gift game would be undervalued
SoR4 to a friend. He's played it for 109 hours and counting, so yeah, he's been enjoying it for the past year.
I bought Ghost of Tsushima for my buddy for Christmas. He's pretty frugal when it comes to gaming, so I like to get him a game that he wouldn't be able to get once a year. He platinum trophy'd the game so I think he liked it.
i gave my nephew Halo MC Collection for the Xbox One on his Birthday... he is enjoying it, is like the first big SP game he plays after many years of New Super Mario Bros Wii (his sisters did most levels in that game), Minecraft, Fortnite and whatnot, so he is having good time.
A few times. Most recently with The Ascent on Steam. Once when one of the Dawn of War games with coop campaign came out and another time was when I bought Arma 3 for three of my mates that wouldn't get it because "you need to learn all of the keyboard to play the game". Two of them ended up putting more than 1000 hours into it.
Not including the games I buy for my daughter, she costs me a fortune but she's worth it.
@sts106mat: you have nothing else to play, so you replied to THIS topic.
I am at work. LOL if you think i sit on my PC at home replying to posts on SW.
That's even worse. You came into this thread to derail it hating on a console you don't own -- while at work.
I recently gave Blue Fire to @R4gn4r0k. I got it from Humble Choice, but I already had it. I don't think he has played it yet, but I know he was interested in it.
Thanks for that!
I checked out a review afterwards, but haven't given it a spin yet.
At the moment I'm playing the Back 4 blood and Age of Empires betas :D
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