Slim pickings for me, nothing I was all that excited for.
Guess I'm most interested in seeing more of Uedas next game. Loved ICO and especially SOTC. Wasn't too hot on TLG. But they always push for something unique and I dig the otherworldly vibes of their games. Always feels different from the other "big games" out there.
2D Gaiden looks like it could be fun, need to see more play. Trailer came off a bit generic tbh, really wish they could've channeled the vibe of the NES titles. But still, want to see more.
Onimusha interests me, wasn't big into them before, but I'd like to see what they do now. Nothing against Souls, just hope this isn't trying to be that.
Interesting that Kamiya is working with Capcom again, but Okami is like the most anti-hype Kamiya thing I can think of lol. Oh well, hopefully it turns out to be something I like. If not, cool for the fans then.
I'm sure VF6 will be dope. All my FG bros already on the hype train for that, grinding out VF5 Revo beta. I never got deep into VF like I do with other FG series, might change that with this one.
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