Hrmmm...I played a lot of FPS's....I enjoyed a lot, but for some reason nevergot one. My first played was Golden eye
My first one I own is COD4
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Hrmmm...I played a lot of FPS's....I enjoyed a lot, but for some reason nevergot one. My first played was Golden eye
My first one I own is COD4
Oh, wow.
I think it was Doom 64, though it could have also been Duke 64, or GoldenEye.
They all came out around relatively the same time, so it's hard to say.
no need to look it up everyone old enough knows it's was the sequel to Wolfenstein 3D :)[QUOTE="loadedboon"][QUOTE="roddollente"]
Spear of Destiny. look it up on wiki.
the best thing was i was playing it in a 100Mhz Windows '93 PC and it was on a floppy disk hahahaha. i always forget that the floppy disk is in the 'locked' position lmao. also, the controls back then were the arrow keys for movement and ctrl for fire. good times. XD
If I remember correctly:
Someone hurry up and make a proper sequel to this, dammit.
A DS port of the original would also be quite rad, but that's not happening.
That would have to be Quake II (PC) followed closely by Goldeneye 64.
I still have the Quake II disk on my desk, I actually feel like installing it now for the hell of it. I wonder if it would work on my PC...
goldeneye was the first fps i wonded an d i will never forget it, however i do remember my friends playing doom on their pc too bad i did not own on bad in the day
I was about 5 at the time, so when I first played it, my mom saw it, and screamed:
"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!", and never let me play it until I was older.
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