Every generation, there was that one video game(s) that defined the evolution of the gaming industry. Such a game was innovative, technically-impressive and fun to play, which overall helped push the benchmark of quality even higher within the industry. We have seen many great examples of this, such as Halo, Resident Evil 4 and the Grand Theft Auto series from last generation; The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Final Fantasy VII and Super Mario 64 for the 6th generation, and etc.
What will be the defining game of this generation? There have been many great games released within the past 2 years that are easily acceptable for such a place, ranging from the mega-hyped exclusive titles to the sleeper hits of the PC. What do you think will be remembered by gamers from all around when they look back on this generation, the 8th generation, 5-10 years from now?
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