I for one will jump off a cliff how about you guys?
The likelihood of this is non-existent.
Even if it's crap, like Metal Gear Solid 4, which is a train-wreck, people will pucker up and ignore reality.
Disgusting really.
Laugh at fanboys who I know 100% have emotional attachments to their plastic Machine and it’s GAMES.
Luckily I don’t need a gaming sites review or score to tell me if a game is good or not,as having more than one brain cell allows me to judge my purchase by looking at actual gameplay and narrative of a game.
Which in DS’s case is being hid better than a squirrel’s nuts
I will just have to find my way through the dark times ahead somehow no matter how difficult it may be.
I couldn’t even type that with a straight face. ?
I don't really have much riding on it. It's a Kojoma game so I'm actually kinda skeptical about it.
Id have to try it for myself. Film reviews for example, typically when the reviews are good, the film sucks, and when the film gets panned, the film is actually good. So unless it is blatantly obvious something is wrong because of a control issue, gotta take reviews with a grain of salt.
Go about my day like any other day. I ain't going to lose sleep over it,and in my opinion, if you'd get upset over a vg flopping, maybe you should change hobbies as you would be to childish to handle it. Holy sh*t,it's just a vg.
Even if it's a sh*t game, it'll still score well on most of the usual gaming media sites because it's Kojima.
It's not going to flop. And that's that.
P.S. Don't jump off a cliff, dude. That kind of thing usually doesn't turn out well.
Even if it's a sh*t game, it'll still score well on most of the usual gaming media sites because it's Kojima.
Nintendo ^
Drink a chocolate shake I guess.
I'm probably in the minority here but I have no plans to buy it. I'm not a fan of most of Kojima's games. I enjoyed the first MGS on PS1. I beat MGS 2 but didn't really enjoy it. Then I tried MGS V for the nostalgia but never beat it. Kind of done with his odd storylines.
Laugh in vindication?
Kojima's always been held up by his fans as some messianic messenger that's far too advanced for us simple plebes to understand his brilliance that we'll finally grasp fifty years from now when his prophecies will be understood, when in point of fact he writes nothing but pretentious, convoluted, prepubescent virgin-esque fantasies dressed up as so-called thought provoking stories that attempt to explore incredibly complex themes and subtext. The guy knows how to design mechanically and technologically brilliant games, that's undeniable for anyone who's played them, but as a storyteller and writer? He's an absolute laughingstock.
He reputably wanted to initially be a filmmaker before he got into games. Good thing he didn't, because at least his talents in harnessing gaming medium's strengths are enough to compensate for the utter mediocrity in his inability to harness those mediums who are dependent solely on narrative, which if he attempted, he'd be mocked mercilessly on. There's a good reason he's a game maker; the industry and refuge of talentless hack writers, and not cinema, which while not necessarily a place that doesn't suffer poor writing, is nevertheless much less unforgiving of it because (aside CGI) it has nothing else to piggyback on.
I doubt the game will flop no matter what... it will almost certainly get high scores just because of Kojima. Everything I have seen so far looks like trash though. Hope I'm wrong though. I just don't have a great feeling about the game on a personal level.
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