@XboxStache said:
The only things that are holding back this gen is incomplete games.
Day one patches, editions (definitive, premier etc), too many huge updates that are Gigs of data, failing to reach resolution and low fps...all of that equals rush jobs from devs and the consumer not willing to take a stand against oversaturation of low quality. We know it's not necessarily a power issue as exclusives look stellar.
Agreed. It's why i'm waiting for goty editions more than ever, and even then only if the content is on a disc and not download voucher, and also devs put patches on later disc prints sometimes so I will be waiting lots this gen.
However, trash is trash, and none of that stuff will make games like Unity and evolve good, because they're so broken. Victory is looking buggy as hell and is supposed to launch in 5 months, lol
games need to follow wolfensteins example, 0 dlc and the old blood actually has a physical release in UK, thankfully region locking is not in ps4/xbox.
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