I'm honestly amazed at how MS are approaching this. They keep discounting the X1 they will soon be giving the damn thing away is that really the answer where are the games?
It's not like MS don't have money, where are the exclusives? They have lost the multiplat war completely, hands down that is done, dusted and over. So where are exclusives? I bought an X1 for Halo MCC and I don't regret it but it seems MS have just accepted their lot and are willing to undercut price on hardware endlessly almost begging people to buy the console rather than just give people reasons to buy it yes that means GAMES!
Sorry, little rant there since my X1 is gathering a bit of dust lol and MS don't seem too fussed they are mainly interested in persuading more people to buy X1's that will also gather dust so I suppose at least I won't be alone eh?
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