The first step to being competitive is to make a massive investment in first-party studios. They can't just have a single holy trinity (HaloForzaGears) of IP to push their system in this day and age. Not even Nintendo got that complacent back in the N64 days and it is the XBox's single greatest weakness. It really is as if they never planned on having a bad generation where they couldn't lean on third party to tow them to the endzone yet here we are. They are so late to the party doing this that I do honestly question whether it's possible for them to reverse course in this regard (the trick being, launching IP people really want and that's no easy task. Then, getting competent studios to breathe life into the IP once it gains popularity *GLARES at 343i*)
The second step is to make a real public apology for the direction that XBone went into this generation. It clearly has left a bad taste on gamers mouths that they tried the most invasive bullshit DRM scheme in the history of gaming and then when put to task on it, blanketed the internet with "the messaging wasn't right." NO, THE MESSAGING WASN'T THE FUCKING PROBLEM. The average gamer has not let it go and the new guy is not the chick from Frozen. Quit acting like the gamer is a dumb embicile and actually own your mistakes. We are watching. We know the score. Continue to underestimate us and you will need a $200 XBone with three controllers and a PoV porn with Megan Fox in every XBone to see the light of day.
Thirdly, the problem was a console given birth by the worst of the worst bean counters in the industry who saw it fit to let J Allard and Seamus Blackley and Peter Moore and the rest of the people at XBox out the door without so much as a consideration for the philosophy at Microsoft that went out the door with them. So, while they make a real apology for the DRM, mandatory Kinect and all this other stuff that went very wrong with the XBone they should make a real consideration at getting more blood into their ranks that actually give a toss about gaming. Like real people. Not this Major Fuckwit jackass who was completely caught with his pants down about flipping switches and wearing stupid hats at interviews and whatnot. He's lost credibility and so has pretty much everyone there except Phil Spencer and even then, see also point number 2 on that.
Fourth step (and ONLY after steps 1-3 are completed) they need a rebranding. No, I'm not saying stop calling it XBox or whatever, I'm talking about new advertising and new messaging. An XBone slim with a new XBox icon on it and perhaps a new format for the game packaging. Xbox needs real revitalization as a brand that helps it distance itself from the Greenburg days. They've done an okay job with Phil Spencer singing his tune, but gamers have kept score and the nastiness associated with the launch has not been undone with substantive moves. So, were they to use a fresh advertising campaign while letting things stand as they are, it won't have any traction and make them look even more fake as **** than they already are. Literally, from the ground up, implemented with new leadership filling the current vacuum they need to turn the identity of the brand completely around. Complete the 180 from the Kinect obsession days.
Fifth step. Go back to the XBox roots. Revitalize the depth of games from the back catalogue. Not with cheap remasters but with full re-awakenings. For the love of God, make Rare a real game studio again and re-open Ensemble. Show not only a dedication to new IP and diversifying the brand but make XBox cool again with a visit to the XBox1 catalogue as well as the 360 IP every once in a while. People LOVE a good retro story and revisiting stuff from when they were a kid. XBox isn't the new kid on the block anymore. It's free to act like it because there were plenty of really damn good games under its wing. Don't be scared, XBox. You know you want to have that finest of wines in gaming which is called 'heritage'. If you had enough studios, you could pull it off. People would love you for it, too.
So, there you go. I might be the number one XBone hater on System Wars, but don't say I lie to kick it. If MS took those five steps, they would be able to turn things around and you know it. Frankly, I should charge a consultancy fee for offering such good advice but I have so little faith in the leadership at MS that I doubt they could follow this through even if it were printed up and put on every desk at Redmond Washington as a memo.
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