I've been pondering not why I haven't bought a PS3, but why I haven't even been thinking about buying one.
For me, its simple. I own a 360 and a Wii. The 360 takes up the vast majority of my gaming time (99%), and I've basically been burned by the Wii (novelty has worn off and low-res graphics don't make it any easier to like).
So what would make me want to buy a PS3? Sadly, it would be the ability to play HD movies on my 106" screen. But there are two strikes against even that: #1, I could get an HD-DVD drive for less than 1/3 the cost of aPS3 and #2, I can already rent the HD movies I want off XBL Video Marketplace.
Right now for me to even contemplate buying a PS3, Sony would have to make it available for $200 or less, AND they'd need some killer apps to go along with that. Right now they don't have either.
What about those of you who don't yet own a PS3? What would it take for Sony to get you to buy one?
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