Coming from someone not interested in consoles at all, a launch line up(or first 12 months) like the following would reel me in to buying it
New Zelda Game
Eternal Darkness Sequel (out of nowhere, its not rumoured or anything, but if it was announced I'd be hyped for it)
Metroid 3D game
Pokemon Console Game (like the gamecube ones)
New Pilotwings, perhaps go as far as making it into a console flight sim, simplified in comparison to FSX/Xplane
Ace Attourney Game (would love a console version, I hate having to use a DS to play it, perhaps bull timed exclusive bullshit with it, )
At least 1 new 1st Party game that isn't obviously aimed at a younger audience.
Proper 3rd Party Support, so yearly EA sports games, Yearly UBIsoft crap, Bethedsa, From Software, Rockstar games, 3rd party support should be same as Microsoft and Sony.
Notice I didn't include any Mario games, Donkey Kong, Smash Brothers,Pikmin, Kirby games, Gimmicky Party Game(Wii Sports, Wii Fit) etc etc. I have not included them because thats the same old shit, someone who likes all those games probably owns a Wii U and will pre order the NX regardless of launch line up. Gamers like me who arnt interested need something different to get our attention, full 3rd party support and a different direction with 1st party would do that for me.
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