@Articuno76 said:
Are you using a wire? Because the PS4 pretty much dies in terms of download speed with wireless (when with a strong connection right next to the router). Seriously, you'd be better off using string than the wireless on that thing.
Even with a wire, it doesn't even begin to touch my bandwidth cap.
While Steam, as well as Origin or Uplay or Battle.net easily max it out.
And PS3 was even worse.
@Articuno76 said:
The PS4 DOES feature background downloads. Last I checked up to 3 at once (albeit cutting the download speed of each by a third to achieve it).
I'm not sure if this was added for an a firmware update or not but I've definitely downloaded demos, updates and even games whilst playing other games before and have done so routinely without so much as thinking about it. I can only assume you ran into an issue with the server being so slow to respond it paused the download - but that's not normal (although Sony's server periodically fucking up for no apparent reason unfortunately is...).
Well, i got my brother a PS4 this december and we were sitting there waiting for GTA5 to download its patches and it warned us that it would stop if we try and play some Injustice instead of just sitting on our asses.
Maybe it was patched in later, i didn't bother checking since.
@Articuno76 said:
The stuttering you're experiencing during install-and-play is also likely due to some freak HDD defragmentation or an issue that needed patching rather than a flaw with the implementation itself. I've not had that issue with any game installing whilst playing (both digital and physical). I have however experienced stuttering trying the same on the PC (I've not tried with an SSD where this might not be a problem though) which makes sense to me as the PS4 has resources tucked away specifically to handle things like install-and-play whereas the PC doesn't.
Well, it's not like i can defragment my PS4's HDD, can i?
It happened with 2 games (i.e. all games that i played while downloading), with like 3 months between them, so it's not a one-off thing.
@Articuno76 said:
I have experienced issues with sound being strange through the DS4 headphone connector though. Even with games that are entirely installed. With Infamous is was so bad at one point that I switched over to using the TV's headphone port instead.
Yep, i did use the controller jack while playing.
Didn't even try using my TV speakers, they sound like absolute wank.
Maybe it's a controller jack issue, but it still an issue that wasn't fixed.
Never happened with fully installed games, though.
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