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Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, though I haven't really played that many other RPGs that I've liked (still need to look out for the first two Fallouts, Fallout 3 is a horrid RPG compared to Bloodlines, haven't played the BG series or Torment, .etc)
High Five, thats exactly what i would have put.lundy86_4
- Final Fantasy VI (III NA)
- Final Fantasy VII
- Final Fantasy VIII
- Final Fantasy IX
- Mass Effect
- Star Ocean 1
1.Fallout 1
3.Vampire: Bloodlines
still..Pen and Paper RPGs > any videogame RPG
NES - Final Fantasy 1
SNES - Front Mission
N64 - Quest 64
PSone - Parasite Eve/Parasite Eve 2
PS2 - Final Fantasy X
x360 - Fallout 3
PS3 - Hopefully Final Fantasy XIII if not ... Valkyria Chronicles
PC - Diablo/S.T.A.L.K.E.R/Fallout 1/Fallout 2 (Can't decided)
All - Parasite Eve/Parasite Eve 2
Its either Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords, Fallout 2, or Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
Old school pokemon Red/blue was great back in the day
Current: Shenmue, Jade empire, Mass Effect, Kotor, KH
Fav of all time ?: Shenmue ofcourse xD changed console RPG's FOEVA !!
My favorite RPGs of all time would have to be Super Mario RPG. That game is amazing and still holds up great today. Also, for obvious reasons, KotOR. And although haters say it's not a true RPG, Oblivion. I also killed alot of time with the Pokemon series. And by alot of time I mean, like, my entire 5th through 9th grade.
You know Shenmue is a adeventure title right?Old school pokemon Red/blue was great back in the day
Current: Shenmue, Jade empire, Mass Effect, Kotor, KH
Fav of all time ?: Shenmue ofcourse xD changed console RPG's FOEVA !!
You know Shenmue is a adeventure title right? I think ill listen to what the Creator Yu Suzuki called shenmue over some random person, and he called it an RPG and the general public seems to agree. it is a traditional Role Playing Game, it was very dramatic like other RPG's[QUOTE="Euroshinobi"]
Old school pokemon Red/blue was great back in the day
Current: Shenmue, Jade empire, Mass Effect, Kotor, KH
Fav of all time ?: Shenmue ofcourse xD changed console RPG's FOEVA !!
Gameplay of an RPG: Much like traditional adventure games, most RPG gameplay is built around quest structures. The player is typically required to go through a series of challenges shared from pen-and-paper RPGs, such as clearing a dungeon of monsters, defeating an evil boss, or rescuing a princess. To do these tasks, one might be required to talk to an NPC to receive the quest. Other missions may include engaging in dialogue, item fetch quests, or locational puzzles, such as opening a locked door by means of a key or hidden lever.
^ Shenmue had all of that
My fav. Jrpg's- Star ocean 4, FF7, Eternal Sonata, LO, Persona 3 and 4, Kingdom Hearts series, pokemon series
Wrpg's- i really dont have any i dont like the Western way of rpg's usually if i had to choose one though i would probably say Fallout 3 but i really didnt even like that game to much.
You know Shenmue is a adeventure title right? I think ill listen to what the Creator Yu Suzuki called shenmue over some random person, and he called it an RPG and the general public seems to agree. it is a traditional Role Playing Game, it was very dramatic like other RPG's[QUOTE="jasonharris48"]
Old school pokemon Red/blue was great back in the day
Current: Shenmue, Jade empire, Mass Effect, Kotor, KH
Fav of all time ?: Shenmue ofcourse xD changed console RPG's FOEVA !!
Gameplay of an RPG: Much like traditional adventure games, most RPG gameplay is built around quest structures. The player is typically required to go through a series of challenges shared from pen-and-paper RPGs, such as clearing a dungeon of monsters, defeating an evil boss, or rescuing a princess. To do these tasks, one might be required to talk to an NPC to receive the quest. Other missions may include engaging in dialogue, item fetch quests, or locational puzzles, such as opening a locked door by means of a key or hidden lever.
^ Shenmue had all of that
IDK to each his own I guess. After beating pt1 & 2 they felt like adventure games (the best ones at that)I would say my number one line of RPGs is Pokemon but as for individual ones...
1-Crono Tirgger
2-the origonal Final Fantasy, in all its 8 bit glory ( the remakes are good but lack the feel of the father of all RPGs)
3-... maybe Kingdom Hearts... or Golden Sun.
This list is subject to change at an given moment.
I think ill listen to what the Creator Yu Suzuki called shenmue over some random person, and he called it an RPG and the general public seems to agree. it is a traditional Role Playing Game, it was very dramatic like other RPG's[QUOTE="Euroshinobi"]
[QUOTE="jasonharris48"] You know Shenmue is a adeventure title right?
Gameplay of an RPG: Much like traditional adventure games, most RPG gameplay is built around quest structures. The player is typically required to go through a series of challenges shared from pen-and-paper RPGs, such as clearing a dungeon of monsters, defeating an evil boss, or rescuing a princess. To do these tasks, one might be required to talk to an NPC to receive the quest. Other missions may include engaging in dialogue, item fetch quests, or locational puzzles, such as opening a locked door by means of a key or hidden lever.
^ Shenmue had all of that
IDK to each his own I guess. After beating pt1 & 2 they felt like adventure games (the best ones at that) its ok, a lot of people now days think of Upgrading to ultimate form !!! as only an RPG, when thats not the case, true that is what most are about now, but it isnt only what makes an rpg, some will tell you RPG's are when you can choose what path you want to take, and your actions have consequences, but not all RPG's are like that etherShenmue was an rpg in a sense that you had to do certain things, talk to certain people, get a certain item, beat a certain tornament, stalk a certain person, be on time somewhere, to get the information you needed, you had to train with this and that certain person to learn a new fighting move, Get a job make money, Spend it on items or sell items at the pawn shop, all RPG's are adventure games anyway besides a few lol
Fallouts 1 and 2 are available at for either 6 bucks or 10 bucks apiece-I can't remember.Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, though I haven't really played that many other RPGs that I've liked (still need to look out for the first two Fallouts, Fallout 3 is a horrid RPG compared to Bloodlines, haven't played the BG series or Torment, .etc)
IDK to each his own I guess. After beating pt1 & 2 they felt like adventure games (the best ones at that) its ok, a lot of people now days think of Upgrading to ultimate form !!! as only an RPG, when thats not the case, true that is what most are about now, but it isnt only what makes an rpg, some will tell you RPG's are when you can choose what path you want to take, and your actions have consequences, but not all RPG's are like that ether[QUOTE="jasonharris48"]
[QUOTE="Euroshinobi"] I think ill listen to what the Creator Yu Suzuki called shenmue over some random person, and he called it an RPG and the general public seems to agree. it is a traditional Role Playing Game, it was very dramatic like other RPG's
Gameplay of an RPG: Much like traditional adventure games, most RPG gameplay is built around quest structures. The player is typically required to go through a series of challenges shared from pen-and-paper RPGs, such as clearing a dungeon of monsters, defeating an evil boss, or rescuing a princess. To do these tasks, one might be required to talk to an NPC to receive the quest. Other missions may include engaging in dialogue, item fetch quests, or locational puzzles, such as opening a locked door by means of a key or hidden lever.
^ Shenmue had all of that
Shenmue was an rpg in a sense that you had to do certain things, talk to certain people, get a certain item, beat a certain tornament, stalk a certain person, be on time somewhere, to get the information you needed, you had to train with this and that certain person to learn a new fighting move, Get a job make money, Spend it on items or sell items at the pawn shop, all RPG's are adventure games anyway besides a few lol
Yea it does have a lot of RPG elements that what made PT.1 so great besides the story.IDK to each his own I guess. After beating pt1 & 2 they felt like adventure games (the best ones at that) its ok, a lot of people now days think of Upgrading to ultimate form !!! as only an RPG, when thats not the case, true that is what most are about now, but it isnt only what makes an rpg, some will tell you RPG's are when you can choose what path you want to take, and your actions have consequences, but not all RPG's are like that ether[QUOTE="jasonharris48"]
[QUOTE="Euroshinobi"] I think ill listen to what the Creator Yu Suzuki called shenmue over some random person, and he called it an RPG and the general public seems to agree. it is a traditional Role Playing Game, it was very dramatic like other RPG's
Gameplay of an RPG: Much like traditional adventure games, most RPG gameplay is built around quest structures. The player is typically required to go through a series of challenges shared from pen-and-paper RPGs, such as clearing a dungeon of monsters, defeating an evil boss, or rescuing a princess. To do these tasks, one might be required to talk to an NPC to receive the quest. Other missions may include engaging in dialogue, item fetch quests, or locational puzzles, such as opening a locked door by means of a key or hidden lever.
^ Shenmue had all of that
Shenmue was an rpg in a sense that you had to do certain things, talk to certain people, get a certain item, beat a certain tornament, stalk a certain person, be on time somewhere, to get the information you needed, you had to train with this and that certain person to learn a new fighting move, Get a job make money, Spend it on items or sell items at the pawn shop, all RPG's are adventure games anyway besides a few lol
Monkey Island 3 has all of that, IIRC. Does that mean that it's an RPG?perhaps ? as i said before, a lot of people forget what a RPG even is
Role Playing Game: Often abrieviated to just RPG, these are games in which players take on the role of another person. In the broadest of possible interpretations, even boardgames such as Monopoly fit this description (each player is pretending to be a would-be millionaire trying to purchase real-estate), but normally a more restrictive definition is applied. Modern roleplaying games evolved from a psychiatric technique which is used to allow patients to see things from different perspective. In modern roleplaying, players take on the aspect of a new person within the game who is then beset by dangers and difficulties by a game master--much in the same way that characters in a play are beset with problems by a playwright. The main difference there being that it is the players who must find their way out of the difficulties instead of the game master. For more information about roleplaying games, see the RPG Defense League.
^ This does not only include Upgrading to level 43000 !!! lol
That is an extremely broad definition that actually fits pretty much every game in existence.perhaps ? as i said before, a lot of people forget what a RPG even is
Role Playing Game: Often abrieviated to just RPG, these are games in which players take on the role of another person. In the broadest of possible interpretations, even boardgames such as Monopoly fit this description (each player is pretending to be a would-be millionaire trying to purchase real-estate), but normally a more restrictive definition is applied. Modern roleplaying games evolved from a psychiatric technique which is used to allow patients to see things from different perspective. In modern roleplaying, players take on the aspect of a new person within the game who is then beset by dangers and difficulties by a game master--much in the same way that characters in a play are beset with problems by a playwright. The main difference there being that it is the players who must find their way out of the difficulties instead of the game master. For more information about roleplaying games, see the RPG Defense League.
^ This does not only include Upgrading to level 43000 !!! lol
Euroshinobi a shooter (besides mass effect) all of that occurs ? you're not already set to do things the way the game designer wants you too ?, because if so, it would have had RPG elements, that is a traditional RPG nothing about upgrading to levels or Actions and consequences what so ever, those are all new, some called Resident evil an rpg when it first came out, RE5 has rpg elements, practicaly every game that releases now days has rpg elements, including Prototype, does that stop people from dubbing them Action/Adventures survival horrors ? no, but it doesnt change what they have in them, Shenmue is a Traditional RPG
Halo and its sequel, Half-Life and its sequel, and many more games allow you to use tactics of your own choice when confronting any situation. The developers may have thought when designing the encounters "Hey! We should make a battle in which the player is supposed to do this because that'd be awesome!", but the player doesn't necessarily do that. If a player can approach a situation in a way that was not explicitly designed into said situation, by your definition, it is an a shooter (besides mass effect) all of that occurs ? you're not already set to do things the way the game designer wants you too ?, because if so, it would have had RPG elements, that is a traditional RPG nothing about upgrading to levels or Actions and consequences what so ever, those are all new, some called Resident evil an rpg when it first came out, RE5 has rpg elements, practicaly every game that releases now days has rpg elements, including Prototype, does that stop people from dubbing them Action/Adventures survival horrors ? no, but it doesnt change what they have in them, Shenmue is a Traditional RPG
??? you are still set to complete the game in a way that the developer wanted you to, the way you're thinking is......oh i can choose to shoot this person in the head that way, or shoot em in the head this way !, no not what i meant, Halo is straight Shooter/Action, you are not required to do anything but shoot & drive vehicles, you are not required to talk to anyone to get anywhere yourself, the game does that for you, the game does everything for you except shoot and drive vehicles and walk, i cant speak on half life, never played it
1) Go play 2) Games like Shenmue are just as developer-controlled as games like Half-Life, if not more so (arguably). You still have to talk to the exact people they want you to in order to progress things, you still have to go to the exact places the developers want you to, etc. On the other hand, in games like Shenmue, you have far fewer options in combat than in games like Half-Life, further restricting the player to do what the developer wants you to do. If we are going to be arguing about what is and isn't an RPG, we should choose criteria that unargualy fit things that we can all agree are RPGs, unarguably don't fit things that we can all agree aren't RPGs, and, from there, we can argue about whether or not games that fit in grey areas are RPGs.??? you are still set to complete the game in a way that the developer wanted you to, the way you're thinking is......oh i can choose to shoot this person in the head that way, or shoot em in the head this way !, no not what i meant, Halo is straight Shooter/Action, you are not required to do anything but shoot & drive vehicles, you are not required to talk to anyone to get anywhere yourself, the game does that for you, the game does everything for you except shoot and drive vehicles and walk, i cant speak on half life, never played it
Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul enhanced) and Odin Sphere.
OOO is that good? :o I think I may actually pick up Oblivion for PC now :PVampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul enhanced) and Odin Sphere.
OOO is that good? :o I think I may actually pick up Oblivion for PC now :Pthepwninator
Well in actualy engage in these conversations and they can end however you want them to, you had several different outcomes to the story and or scene, during button pressing, if you hit the wrong button and fail the scene would end differently and you had to go on, or if you didnt make it to somewhere on time you would have missed the oppurtunity and you could ether restart, take another option, come back at a later time, or the person that you wanted to meet would be gone for good , you cant do that in halo, all games are developer controlled Dur lol, but some less than others, and thats the difference between an RPG and a Non Rpg you dont exactly have to go aquire a certain item yourself in halo to unlock a new conversation option with a person to continue the story lol
and perhaps i will play half life :/
kingdom hearts. its my fav rpg series and games of all time.
Sometimes i get called gay for liking that game T_T but idc
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