I hate to say it, but both Sony & the PS3 are starting to look more & more like a pile of dog ****. Look at what's happened in it's now 25 month lifespan of the PS3.
A $600 price tag, Blu-Ray & Cell not doing crap for the games but only making it costly & more difficult for the developers to make their games for the platform, Exclusives constantly being ported over to 360, better looking multiplats on the 360, terrible online, HOME being incredibly lame, can't upscale games like the 360 can (only PS1 & PS2 games in the 20, 60, &the older 80 GB models), constantly dropping SKU's & prices, bringing out unnecessary SKU's & bundles just to get more people to buy the thing, Sony being forced to shut down plants, reduce spending, cut 16,000 people out of a job, terrible marketing, etc.
Am I missing anything here? Not to mention that they can't even afford to cut down the price of the system because that will bring them down into even more debt. What is going on? What is happening to this company? Sony used to be on top, & now, they're going under. What's left for them now?
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