What I personally like:
- Community features: For e.g. I can go to Gamespot's Steam Group right now and see that nutcrackr, a guy I've seen in the forums but don't know, is playing L4D, and I can join the game from there.
- Indie publishing: I propably would have never discovered Audiosurf if it wasn't for Steam.
- Mod support: Really a new easy way to install mods that you know aren't crap, just click install and play.
- Auto patching: No hunting for patches or even installing, if steam is on it's done automatically on the background.
- Account based game storage: When visiting my folks I can just log in to steam and download audiosurf on their pc to pass the time without hauling game boxes around.
But other than that I don't really care about it, Xfire is sufficient community tool for me and if the game doesn't require Steam I'd rather get it the old fashion way. If I had a faster internet tho then it would be a whole another matter, their DD service really is first grade.
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