i never realy understood why everyone loved the dc. i didnt realy play it much back when they were still making gaem because i did not own one but my frinds did. I also played with it quite a few times after they stopped making games for it and i played recently with it as well. I dont understand why a lot of people make it sound like it was the ggreatest console of all time. The one thing i realy dont like about it is the controler. Its just too big for me and when holding it it feals like there is a missing alaloge stick. I never played a shooter on it i wonder how theywere played. Also i heard fighting games are good on there but the controler feals too big for those and i am not a big fan of fighting games ether. Also for somereason even trough its tecknelly last gen it dontfeal like it when i play with it it feals like its older.
* Was the first console to fully embrace online gaming years before it became mainstream. Being more internet capable out of the box then the 360, since it came with a modem (so even if you had no internet at the time you could buy a DC that came with a modem).
* The architecture was also thinking years ahead, it was designed around Windows 2k so it was easy to develope for (hence why it lasted for years after they stopped making them in certain areas).
* Had similar capablities as all systems that gen yet was out before them.
* Software that was introduced with the Dreamcast was unique and quite vast considering its short lifetime.
Either way, it was most likely one of the (or the) most ambitious console because of the thought processors and the ideas (both in hardware and software) that went into it after Sega learned their lessons from the Satern. A bit like what Sony wanted to do with the PS3 and its large starting price even though DC wasn't massive in price, Sega wanted the Dreamcast to be the best console out of the box rather then having the need to buy addons and such for it.
It wasn't the greatest console of all time, but I think what people (your friends) are getting at is that it could have been one of the greatest. Maybe the present would have been different if Sega added DVD.
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