I have to give it to the Saturn, Psone and N64 era hands down! I think that was the 6th generation of gaming I'm not sure, but it has to be the best generation of gaming to date.
- CD format was introduced(Big Change)
- CD playback was included in the psone and Saturn
- Sony jumped into the video gaming industry(Big Change)
- Nintendo got owned by Sony! Lol Sony strikes back!!! For those that don't know Sony took the spot as conosle leader in sales from the all mighty Nintendo, after the whole Sony and Nintendo feud with the Snes.
- The analog stick was introduced(Big Change)
- Sony later included two analog sticks and made rumble standard in their controller(Big Change, also ownage towards Nintendo)
- 3D gaming was introduced and became standard(Big Change)
- Tons of historic games from each camp were released: Mario64(mario in full 3d was a huge leap), Oot(don't know why), Goldeneye, Tekken, MGS, Nights, Panzer Dragoon, Perfect Dark, Super Smash Bros., FF7(don't know why), and tons of other 3rd party games and series were released back then.
Imo of course, what do you think?
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