Wow, you are now officially the greatest person on this forum to me.
I was thinking the same thing (but the developers actually said environmental destruction is a fad, and therefore it does not have it at all). There is actually a decent amount of action onscreen however and I think you're overanalyzing it a tad. I don't think it will be a bad game but I can't STAND reading "OH MY HERES CALL OF DUTY 4 AGAIN, THE MOST GORGEOUS GAME EVER!" because I find it underwhelming and the gameplay in Call of Duty 2 was trite and repetitive.
Plus, the multiplayer for CoD4 resembled Call of Duty 2's almost exactly.
Environmental destruction is NOT a fad. This new generation promises much but rarely delivers. I don want to see "more realistic fields" i want to see more action, better AI and more interactive environments. Killzone delivers all of these in spades as well as enemies that actually move like people and a greater sense of immersion
For a game that tries to engross you in the action so much COD 4 sure does **** it up by pulling you out of the action at the most innoportune times. I've played COD 1 and i dont want to see the same crap again "plant the C4, "snipe the guys". It's crap
i second that, redfingers. indeed, NorthlandMan always has well thought out posts. he actually backs up his opinion which is rare on system wars. i agree, COD4 doesnt look that great in motion. i tried to see what all the hype was about, but i soon realized it was lemmings hyping it so they can actually compare it to Killzone 2's graphics. sad sad sad.
It's sad because people are saying this game looks great (Which it does, it actually looks better than Killzone in stills) but when you actually see someone playing it you just get the impression that somone's added some nice graphical toucches to Call of Duty 1 on the PC and dropped you in a different setting. Give me something exciting, whether it is the unique setting andd story of Bioshock or the sheer visceral thrills and hollywood level production values of KZ2.
The difference is it will play better on the Xbox 360 with better controls and multiplayer then on the Ps3. The PC is an another question
Again completely irrelevant, you are missing the point of this topic entirely
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