Hello friends,
So this generation is coming to end, and it was full of open world games and most of them are tedious. from witcher 3 to MGS5 to assassins creed to far cry to RDR2 etc. theres plenty of them. i would say GTA5 but it was technically last gen. Red dead 2 bored me as it focus more on graphics/animation than actual gameplay which is not very good. Rage 2 has most bland open world but its gunplay was great that assist by id software prevent it from making worst open world game.
the most boring open world game i played this gen is Far Cry 5

First they actually choose most boring setting in open world let alone far cry. far cry 2 setting africa was amazing so was tropical island in 3 but this game the whole urban setting was flatout boring. this game manage to make MGS5 world looks and feel good. then you have same type of missions like liberate this area, that area. this was the game that i only played for half n hour then uninstalled it.
theres plenty of boring open worlds but this one actually take a cake. for far cry 6 ubisoft need to choose interesting location and no more unskipabble cutscene.
so friends, the ending of this gen. which open world game remain most boring to you? lets discuss
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