Just Cause 3.
I just couldn't with that game and I loved Just Cause 2.
just cause 2 was fun but 3 was just bad. its repetetive game where its mandatory to destroy buildings, waste of time.
Just Cause 3.
I just couldn't with that game and I loved Just Cause 2.
just cause 2 was fun but 3 was just bad. its repetetive game where its mandatory to destroy buildings, waste of time.
RDR2, while super impressive in so many ways. I dunno if I'd say it got boring just that it took so much of the fun out of what was a blast to play, RDR1 and made things a chore. I mean, who needs more chores especially when you game to have Fun. Well, I do. :P
@Litchie: if I can offer a counterpoint to horizon I'm happy to. I just finished the game for the first time this past week. I did all the side content, got all the special weapons including the power weave and put in 60 hours through my adventure.
I was engaged throughout, because as video game "stories" go, this one was compelling. I liked the characters and Aloy has a story worthy of following...
Also, the graphics (if that's your thing) are truly beautiful the game looks great and plays very smooth.
Now, combat, gameplay loops and pacing etc... This is a brand new ip, so in many respects I did get that, "oh man this game is good, but the next will be truly great if they can fix a few things!"
Those few things being...
- side missions are built in the Witcher 3 afterglow where npcs have more "depth"... But the mission objectives themselves are old hat. Clear out a bandit camp, take down 2 sawtooth, find the thing in the place and bring it back.
- Machine combat is pretty awesome and I'd gather it'll be your favorite part of playing. They spent time making sure your actions feel weighty like you just brought down a massive beast. They give you plenty of stealth opportunities and allow you to perk your skills up in some meaningful ways, though no extra skill feels like the difference between winning and losing a big battle.
- The use of multiple bows with multiple arrow heads works well... (not sure we she can't use the same bow for some arrowheads, but I get it). All enemies have weaknesses (freeze, fire, corruption) so managing your arrows against the current threat is fun and works well on the fly.
- climbing sucks.... But climbing sucks in every game not named breath of the wild.
I dont think you dislike horizon and I don't think you'll stop playing mid way or anything. Again it is new ip and it's done well, so there is a refreshing feeling to all of it... Battling machines is a blast, humans, not so much, but I wouldn't say it's a bad open world game. It's a sum of its parts type game that you'd most likely enjoy.
Horizon Zero Dawn is the first one that comes to mind. The combat was repetitive, the missions were poorly designed, and the characters were dead boring. I have absolutely no compulsion to get back into that one.
Red Dead 2 was almost as dull. At least that felt like it was maybe going somewhere, even if it was taking an extremely long, tedious, badly-in-need-of-an-editor route to get there.
RDR2, needs a just for fun arcade mode, seriously, get on that R* and I'll be all too happy to start anew. :D
So many to choose from... Mad Max, Home front The revolution, Far cry 4, spider man got boring real fast.
No Man's Sky is number 1 for me. Yawn.
I loved RDR2 mostly because exploration was super rewarding. Structurally was an odd game. It felt as much as above any other game ever made as also an outdated work. I compare it to a space project, where the scale and conditions are so demanding and particular that ends up being a contradiction of the most advanced human achievement while simultaneously having outdated technology. Most missions in RDR2 are just dumb repetitive but then, when you dive deeper into the world it self, is incredibly rich in detail. I have so many "emergent" moments in that game that are among my favourite moments ever in gaming". In a game where I've spent near 200h I'm ok with the few in between moments where it forces me to go through its dumb structure.
I'd like to add FFXV to my hate list. But it's just not the open world I have issues with. I finished that game but I hate almost everything about it.
@TheEroica: Thanks for the reply. Would've seen it earlier if GlitchSpot didn't remove the notification that show when people reply to you.
Basically sounds like the game has its moments, but if you're seriously fed up with checklist open world games like what Ubisoft spews out non stop, this game wont hold my interest for long.
- climbing sucks.... But climbing sucks in every game not named breath of the wild.
lol, very true.
I'd play Horizon over, for example, another AC game any day. But I'm so fed up with games designed in this way, I'm pretty sure I wont enjoy Horizon at all. Maybe I'd enjoy the first couple hours when trying out the mechanics and shit, until the boredom that is open world checklist gameplay surfaces. Doubt I'll play any other open world game at all until Breath of the Wild 2 is out.
BotW is how you do open world right, and I believe it has spoiled me greatly. I now compare all open world games to BotW and none I've come across are even close. Pretty weird that Nintendo of all developers understood open world game design the best.
Zelda: BotW is how you do open world right,
No. thats STALKER sum up how to do open world. the only game that is open world that never dragged.
Zelda: BotW is how you do open world right,
No. thats STALKER sum up how to do open world. the only game that is open world that never dragged.
Gotta agree with ghost. Stalker world is brimming with characters and challenges. The NPCs in stalker is really well designed and felt lived it. I dont really like stalker but I do appreciate its design.
Only open world game I can think of that I've played this gen that wasn't awesome, like Breath of the Wild, is AC: Origins. That game sucked. No idea why I thought an open world game from Ubisoft could be anything but pure crap. Total waste of 20 bucks.
I am quite surprised you say this. Why couldn't you get into the game? Didn't like the combat? The exploration of this game I think is easily one of the best out there
Gotta go with MGSV, my god is it boring, many open world games are borring and repetive but MGSV was the worst for me. The game was janky on top of having a bland borring setting.
Id argue it was even worse than anthem and that game sucked too.
we really need a new splinter cell game...
You guys seriously don't deserve good games. There are many things wrong with MGS V but boring and janky wasn't one of those.
RDR2, while super impressive in so many ways. I dunno if I'd say it got boring just that it took so much of the fun out of what was a blast to play, RDR1 and made things a chore. I mean, who needs more chores especially when you game to have Fun. Well, I do. :P
RDR2 is more boring because RDR1 was over quicker. The game is like 3 times as long, at least.
The RDR1 intro was the real drag though, recouping on that farm.
Mad max.
Agreed but i oddly found myself getting rid of the scarecrows one by one in a trance. Weirdly addicting.
To answer the question, its definitely MGS5, worst MGS game storywise and it was so bland as an open world game. I have replayed the MGS games numerous times but i disliked 5 so much i ended up selling my copy as I knew i would never want to return to it
RDR2, while super impressive in so many ways. I dunno if I'd say it got boring just that it took so much of the fun out of what was a blast to play, RDR1 and made things a chore. I mean, who needs more chores especially when you game to have Fun. Well, I do. :P
RDR2 is more boring because RDR1 was over quicker. The game is like 3 times as long, at least.
The RDR1 intro was the real drag though, recouping on that farm.
Can't agree there bud. RDR1 was tons more fun because of tons less chores and it didn't try to be such a real life sim in so many aspects, I mean, you could plow past people on your horse and just because you hit them wasn't instantly in a gun fight or hit a tree and go flying off the horse. Also, I didn't bring this up before but in RDR2 you're mostly in dense forest with limited depth of view where RDR1 you had great mountain vistas over looking the landscape giving great depth to the world and was a joy to just take it all in now and then.
I'll say this, 20 years ago I would have enjoyed RDR2 way more because of those aspects but these dayzz I'm getting too old and lazy and just want some cheap simple brainless fun. lol :P
Shadow of Mordor is pretty bad.
Nemesis System is faweksome.
It's a neat concept, the game itself does it little favor. Buttman combat, all-game stealth, really bland environments, a lack of interesting enemies. It was the first neat improvement on the deck of 52 from Mercenaries, so who knows, maybe next gen will allow for something funky with that system.
It's a neat concept, the game itself does it little favor. Buttman combat, all-game stealth, really bland environments, a lack of interesting enemies. It was the first neat improvement on the deck of 52 from Mercenaries, so who knows, maybe next gen will allow for something funky with that system.
True. Outside of that there isn't much going for it. Unlike Batman it doesn't have gadgets to spice up the stealth a little bit and the side quests are so lazy I don't even know why they bothered putting them in there.
Shadow of War is largely the same but with an improved Nemesis System that doesn't quite push it far enough but as you said, maybe next gen will do some good shit with it that couldn't have been done this gen.
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