Whats the point in getting a ps3 , lol it has no AAAE
wtfs the point
also were on gamespot we USE there SCORES
also the 360 has loads of OTHER AAA games that the ps3 doest get
Ha ha pointless system no AAAE
I'm not gonna use gamespots scores only, if you're going to say something so stupid like there is no point in getting a PS3. Here are the reasons: Games like Motrstorm, Warhawk, UT3, RainBow Six, Virtua Fighter, Resistance, NGS, Ratchet and Clank Tools of Destruction, COD4, Uncharted. Other reasons too but i'm talking about games. Why do people say PS3 has no games? If I had one I would certainly play these. It doesn't matter if it doesn't have AAAEs. I could have fun with these games and that's ALL that matters. I would say that 360 is miles better than PS3, I even think Wii is better right now, but I would never say anything like there is no point in getting one. That is just retarted.
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