@LegatoSkyheart: I think the general thrust of your points are correct, I guess I'd just say that I don't think everything falls into one of two buckets: casual or hardcore.
I mean, a lot of gaming enthusiasts loved WiiSports - I know I did. But I can tell you that I don't fall squarely into some "casual" bucket.
It's interesting because if you look back at Nintendo's past, they've always catered for "casual gamers" in a serious way. Even some of their most "hardcore" games have been designed to be as accessible as possible for less-experienced players, while still offering depth for people who are very experienced.
To some degree, Nintendo's biggest strength is that they can cater for a really wide variety of players. This is something that both Sony and Microsoft have become better and better at over time, as well.
So...as gamers, I don't think we should be so eager to force ourselves into one of two strictly-defined camps. I don't think it's helpful or even factually accurate. Some days, I feel like playing The Sims and some days I feel like playing Super Mario 3D World and other days I feel like playing Final Fantasy XV. So, am I casual or hardcore? Or both? Or - perhaps - neither, because these labels were never terribly helpful.
True, but some people see it as a negative if Nintendo doesn't have games that Playstation or Xbox have like Final Fantasy, Watch Dogs, or even Overwatch. Games that would be considered to be for the "Hardcore".
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