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I guess I would say the wii, but I don't really consider it a console. I see it more as a toy with software.
PS3 and 360 easily:
-overpriced and underpowered hardware(To those who think this only applies to the wii, sorry but this also applies to these two pseudo hd pc wannabes)
-inferior controllers for fps and other shooters which are oddly the most popular genres of these platforms
-Faulty hardware(360)
-unnecessary and gimmick hardware that only adds to the price like blu-ray and "teh cell"(ps3)
-multiplatform games that often have a far superior version(pc) that can be played in a far superior platform(pc)
-rehashed and overhyped "exclusive" franchises
-represented by the most laughable, annoying and inmature fanboy groups in system wars(lemmings and specially cows lately)
that last one should not really be a con to the xbox and ps3 but what the hell:P
As for the wii, the console itself is no better than the hd twins and it pretty much sucks in hardware too, but at least it compliments the pc far better than the other two with great, different exclusives and an original controller and way to play.
i define the worst console by its games.... and the pc realy needs some good games.dakan45
You never get tired of bashing the PC do you? :roll:
I would say the wii. The system has 5 games I would ever play (not counting GC games which I played LAST GEN).
Well the point of a console is playing games. And the PS3 has no games so...funked_up
That argument is so old and dead its not even funny.
Least favorite? Wii Why? GamesGiancar
Same. I dont hate my wii. Its just not alot of games I wanna play on it.
[QUOTE="DonMarkito"]The wii is more for the homosexual public. Real gamers would chose a PS3 or a 360 any day.nintendoboy16What the hell? What is up with this "real gamers don't play this, they play that" crap? and his first point makes no sense at all. i don't see why anyone who doesn't choose 360 or ps3 is automatically homosexual.
What is up with this "real gamers don't play this, they play that" crap? I'm sorry, but that is just stupid. Real gamers play games like Halo, Killzone2, Call of duty(Best Versions), etc... they don`t play Pokemon or Wii sport resort[QUOTE="DonMarkito"]The wii is more for the homosexual public. Real gamers would chose a PS3 or a 360 any day.nintendoboy16
What is up with this "real gamers don't play this, they play that" crap? I'm sorry, but that is just stupid.Real gamers don't categorize other gamers into "real" and "fake". Oh ****. I just became a fake gamer. I'm still A person who plays games, particularly video games, I still play them frequently, and I have a general interest in them so great that when I'm not playing them, I'm discussing them, but I'm a fake gamer. Kinda like how Spinal Tap is a fake band.[QUOTE="DonMarkito"]The wii is more for the homosexual public. Real gamers would chose a PS3 or a 360 any day.nintendoboy16
Define "worst"?In my opinion it's the Wii, worst games ever, and too much shovelware.
The Wii by far, it is basically just the gamecube with motion controls, the graphics are crappy, the motion controls are stiff and often consists of just waggling the wiimote around, not to mention it doesn't do HD. Combine it with possibly the lousiest game liberary of all time, and you can't seriously call it good entertainment
In my opinion it's the Wii, worst games ever, and too much shovelware.
Why does the shovel ware affect you? U dont have to buy/play it. If the games dont appeal, then thats cool. But the shovelware does not make it a bad system. wii is the first console not to be even close in power. they took what worked in their hand held market and brought it to consoles. small cheap upgrade. mean while even with almost twice the user base it doesnt get the top 3rd party games. even getting dumbed down versions of some. yeah i had a wii. but i sold that dust collector first chance i got. and i never sell my systems. EVER![QUOTE="DonMarkito"]Real gamers play games like Halo, Killzone2, Call of duty(Best Versions), etc... they don`t play Pokemon or Wii sport resort
No, there is no such thing as real or fake gamers by that logic. I'm sorry, but there are are gamers that play Pokemon, Wii Sports, Mario, Zelda, Star Fox, F-Zeroetc.If you ask me, I think "fake gamers" make up this crap. Real gamers just play.
POKEBALL GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITSe ME MARIO!!! PATHETIC FANBOY GO!!!! act like an idiot, and try to hide that nasty buyer's remorse that corroding your inside!!!! then go and play some HALOZ, gawd of warz and gta. They are really cool games for mature people y'know, they have guns, blood,sex 'n sh** yo decerve it[QUOTE="Communistsheep"]Define "worst"?Of the lowest overall quality - least likely to provide entertainment for those who play it.In my opinion it's the Wii, worst games ever, and too much shovelware.
if you read that part, you'll notice i was refering to shooters...and yes, in that genre both the keyboard+mouse and the wiimote obliterate dual analog controllers. Traditional controllers are great for other types of games though, i specially like the dualshock for those games, it's a great design.codename-RI've seen plenty of PC elitists in my day, but are you honestly claiming that a Wii Remote works better for shooter games than an Xbox 360 or Dualshock controller? You must be joking. Please, tell me you're joking.
360 for me because most of the games there can be gotten for the PS3/PC and its actual exclusives don't appeal to me. Plus the hardware is quite faulty.
if you read that part, you'll notice i was refering to shooters...and yes, in that genre both the keyboard+mouse and the wiimote obliterate dual analog controllers. Traditional controllers are great for other types of games though, i specially like the dualshock for those games, it's a great design.codename-RI've seen plenty of PC elitists in my day, but are you honestly claiming that a Wii Remote works better for shooter games than an Xbox 360 or Dualshock controller? You must be joking. Please, tell me you're joking. hmm...let's see...a controller that provides an IR pointer with pixel-perfect accuracy vs a traditional dual analog gamepad that requires you to move a stick with your thumbs to aim, resulting in awkward and slugish movement of the sights in fps games, which results in having to put aim helpers in some games... nope, i'm not joking sorry
Fried chicken has no games :(. It's probably the most delicious console though.
Wii in terms of games, PS3 in terms of sales, and 360 in terms of hardware. Worst for me is the Wii though. If the PS3 didn't exist, I'd consider a 360, but if neither PS3 and 360 existed, I wouldn't bother with a Wii anyway.
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