Nintendo announces that they bought Valve and together they announce their 8th generation console featuring an advanced wii-mote (with improved motion-plus), full HD resolution support and whatever the next bar will be for graphics card, CPU, and internal memory for all next-gen consoles.
Then, Valve goes on to announce Half Life 3, Portal 2, and Team Fortress 3 exclusive for the next-gen console with full online capabilities matching those of PC standards.
Further more, Nintendo announces that the next Zelda is for this 8th generation console along with Pikmin 3 and Super Mario Galaxy 2. Then Retro walks out and announces their work on a new chapter in the Metroid franchise. Following that, Inteligent Systems announces its work on Metroid Dread for the Wii with DS connectivity and built-in "on-the-go feature" when not next to your TV.
Next, Gamefreak announces a pokemon MMO for the 8th generation console (because it has the memory and online service available to support it) using a control method similar to Pro-Evolution Soccer for Wii but with smaller angle on the field as to resemble the field of vision a trainer has. The d-pad would be the 4 attacks, and you can command your pokemon to an extent with the wii-mote (like the trainer's finger).
Finally, because all of this happens, 3rd parties flock to Nintendo ending with Rare and Free Radical joining forces to make Perfect Dark 2 and Banjo 3 exclusive for the next console.
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