SNES and PS3
The NES due to so many memories of the games played on its system. Future systems I played never had such memories, even as games evolved over the generations.
Hands down the OG Xbox. Awesome power for its time, amazing selection of games, best multiplats, unrivalled controller, feature rich, and online multiplayer wouldn’t be where it is today if it weren’t for the Xbox.
Worst console - the ps2. Primarily because its competitor, the Xbox, did everything better.
Have you heard the latest news about the OG Xbox???
You might wanna read THIS
@i_p_daily: Oh wow, WOW! That’s great news! I could never get the tunnelling to work on my Xbox for Kai and this looks like a better solution, a much, MUCH better solution! I’ll most certainly be there on launch day!
Thank you for this! We'll have to make a thread here to connect us for friend’s lists. Marathon Rainbow Six/Ghost Recon sessions - here I come!!!
Keep us posted, please.
edit: I think I’ll have to buy another Xbox. Both my Xboxes have most DLC/patches and whatnot for what I want to play which might be incompatible. I know I could delete them, but I want to keep them...for some reason I’m not sure about. I hope they can find a way to make Burnout 3 possible. That game kicked ass online!
Hopefully they create a forum to match up players for more rarer games that were never really popular in Xbox’s day. Games like Tron 2.0, Carve, Men of Valor, Vietcong, etc.
Now I gotta find my dang headset lol.
Probably the OG Xbox. It was my first console I really did a lot of tinkering with. Homebrew, all that good stuff. There was/is a great community behind the Xbox homebrew.
Wii and WiiU have a pretty good homebrew scene.
Consoles that don't get cracked are so boring.
With my nostalgia googles on, easily the almighty Amiga 500. That system was like 5 years ahead of its time, and its library was insanely good.
That said, i think gaming is better than ever now, especially since indies and VR joined the party. PS4 if i ignore nostalgia factor.
Nice pick the Amiga was insane for a computer released in 86 its crazy to think the ZX spectrum was released just four years earlier (seeing the gfx for defender of the crown blew my away as a young un) it was from the future and way ahead of its time and the music it could produce is very nostalgic for me (Eg Shadow of the beast, lemmings, pinball dreams)
For me PC of course but if I had to pick a console its the mighty megadrive for sure. I even liked the mega CD, for shame.
@i_p_daily: Oh wow, WOW! That’s great news! I could never get the tunnelling to work on my Xbox for Kai and this looks like a better solution, a much, MUCH better solution! I’ll most certainly be there on launch day!
Thank you for this! We'll have to make a thread here to connect us for friend’s lists. Marathon Rainbow Six/Ghost Recon sessions - here I come!!!
Keep us posted, please.
edit: I think I’ll have to buy another Xbox. Both my Xboxes have most DLC/patches and whatnot for what I want to play which might be incompatible. I know I could delete them, but I want to keep them...for some reason I’m not sure about. I hope they can find a way to make Burnout 3 possible. That game kicked ass online!
Hopefully they create a forum to match up players for more rarer games that were never really popular in Xbox’s day. Games like Tron 2.0, Carve, Men of Valor, Vietcong, etc.
Now I gotta find my dang headset lol.
Even though I owned the OG Xbox I never started playing online until a year into the 360's life.
I still have it and may try it out when it gets back online.
For me it's hard to say, but the two consoles that have the most games I like more than any others are NES/SNES and since I love collecting for both it's a two way tie.
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