I've heard good things about the Final Fantasy series and how it is known for its amazing storylines. I played III DS and XII. Both sucked. Then I picked up X and actually liked it. But I have a huge gripe...
How can people tolerate such horribly mush and horribly stupid dialogue? I admit that the storyline is interesting with Sin and all. I actually am only twelve hours into the game so I don't know what happens, but the dialogue really just ruins it. It seems like all of Square Enix's games are like this, as in Kingdom Hearts II when that guy says, "We totally owned you lamers!"
Final Fantasy X has a lot of stupid moments. Like when Yuna tells Tidus to laugh and he starts making that weird-*** laugh that sounds like a goat getting slaughtered. Then they both start laughing and Wakka questions if they are going insane. It really made me facepalm myself, along with all the mushy exchanges between Tidus and Yuna. It just makes me shake my head and go, "This is so lame, unrealistic, and Tidus should just do the multicolored eye girl and be done with it already!"
Kingdom Hearts II had this problem, too. Like I said, I haven't finished Final Fantasy X yet, but even Kingdom Hearts II overall story felt a lot better to me. I mean, it had me hook when Roxas found out *SPOILERS!* that he didn't exist. *END SPOILERS!* This one is good, too, but it's all too familiar and generic. Blitzball is lame.
I know a lot of people may disagree with me and find my opinion to suck, but this is just what I thought. I still like the game, and it has a good turn-based battle system, but some of these stuck out to me like a sore thumb. And this is the second most highly regarded Final Fantasy game, it seems.
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