Everybody has experience those great opening gaming sequences that left a huge impression on you and set up the games premise greatly.
So what are yours?
My personal Top 3 has to be:
1) THE DARKNESS - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Hte4COrrx4
It's gameplay intro was phenomonal at the time. It really paved the way for cinematic designs in videogames with its intro setting Jacke in a car chase scene with two fellow mobsters in his family, laying down the story nicely and opening up the players to what the game was going to be about; pure cinematic first person shooting.
And the fact that you WEREN'T just a floating disembodied head and have the ability to look at your body below the neck, something MOST FPS games do, really immersed you even more in the world. It really made you feel like you were Jackie.
2) GOD OF WAR 3 -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9JYYlWTqPU
Literally blurred the lines between Cinematic experience and gameplay in the first 20 mins. It was absolutely Jaw Dropping and always made me question which parts were actually playable and which parts were cinematic. And the great part? All of them were mostly playable!
3) UNCHARTED 2 -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7BAelqlxwI
Much like God of War 3 and The Darkness, Uncharted 2 opened up the game nicely and really did lay down the story nicely in what was a reiveting opening sequence.
It kept you guessing on how Nathan Drake found himself in that position, and the story of how he got there was even more of an amazing moment in gaming history :)
Gamespot wont let me link, sorry!
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