I have been a videogamer for a long long time. I have nearly 20 consoles and over a 1000 games. I have been 1st in line for consoles over the last 20 years standing upwards of 9hrs at a time. I have driven 4hrs to get games on release. I have had my share of fun and competitive play. I have raised both my boys up on gaming. Even my wife plays games.
After this gen and my horrible luck with the 360 its almost totally killed my love for gaming. Not just keeping up, but even playing them..lol. Many here know my story and I sound like a broken record so sorry..
I have all 3 consoles this gen..So far the Wii and PS3 are doing fine. They both have great features and games ect. BUT im just not sure what im going to do after this gen. Im thinking of maybe just going NIN and PC and see how that goes. NIN for Mario,Zelda,DonkeyKong "if they make another" and family fun games like bowling,tennis,ect......PC for my old FPS favorites like MOHAA,UT99,UT3,COD2,Stepmania and whatever catches my eye.
SO after so many years of being in the "IN CROWD"...I might bow out...not sure. I will know once I see specs, reliability,and how games are distributed ie "disc or dl"
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