When you have to be bitter and passive aggressive angry at someone for being happy that a game on their system of choice has a great game coming out...you might need to rethink your position on calling yourself a gamer or pretending to be one!
It would be inherently brainless to be bitter about a game being well received critically on a system that I own; moreover, pandering to fanboy mantra and to shill over a piece of plastic is the most obtuse thing a gamer can stoop too. Unless you believe, by chance, that being a drone of a corporate entity is a benefit to your happiness?
And you're a mod? lol
You must be talking to yourself because that is who you just described!
Maybe you should take a break because your rage meter seems to be going in overdrive.
I'm surprised he hasn't locked this thread considering there is 1 identical to it in this front page that you used to spawn this off of once you got rekt in it with actual data from MC without silly "rules". Fad threads are bad threads.
You haven't made one solid point to validate you argument in this thread so for, so you really shouldn't be talking about anyone being.....
so looking at your list of games it breaks down like so..
- Dishonered - shared with Sony/MS providers
- Guild Wars 2 - released before current gen started (refer to timeline)
- Mark of the Ninja - released before current genstarted (refer to timeline)
- Bioshock - released before this gen and all are
- shared with MS/Sony providers
- Fez - shared with Sony provider
- Spelunky - shared with Sony provider
- Dota2 - already listed in OP
- Dark Souls II - shared with MS/Sony providers
- GTA:V - shared with Sony/MS providers
- The Witcher 3- shared with Sony/MS providers
- Undertale - already listed in OP
- MGSV - shared with Sony provide
- OTP Baseball - already listed in OP
Well that was pointless wasn't it? You only served to re-enforce and validity of my current argument, uh thanks?
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