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I liketo have achallenge in my games but theres a point were it becomes more of a chore then fun. So what games out there can you think of that you just didnt even bother trying to finish due to it being too hard?xTHExJUICEx
Recent example...
Halo 3, going solo on legendary in the 8th level (Cortana). I was doing more for the sake to prove to myself I could, I was NOT having fun. The design of the level sucks, and at that difficulty mixed in it loses a lot of it "fun" factor which is why I play to begin with.
When you can see it through a pair of jeans.Nickman71
I lol'd and you pretty much summed up every day for me in highschool.
[QUOTE="Nickman71"]When you can see it through a pair of jeans.hellfire9988
I lol'd and you pretty much summed up every day for me in highschool.
Recent example...
Halo 3, going solo on legendary in the 8th level (Cortana). I was doing more for the sake to prove to myself I could, I was NOT having fun. The design of the level sucks, and at that difficulty mixed in it loses a lot of it "fun" factor which is why I play to begin with.
For me its Halo on legendary (have yet to play Halo 3). Me and my friend would jam on it together after work and even with the both of us it was basically suicide. Took us over an hour to get past the first level on the pillar of autumn.
[QUOTE="Khnemu23"]Super Mario 64.
119 stars. /thread
Nah. Getting 120 stars in Mario 64 wasn't very tough, it was just lengthy. The main thing was that it was still fun despite the work.
It wasn't tough for me to get the first 119 stars (most were almost too easy). However, both the clock and rainbow levels sucked the fun out of the game for me. The last star I need is the 100 coin star for the rainbow ride. As I said, 119 are easy and fun stars. That last is devoid of all enjoyability due to the unnessary difficulty.
F-ZERO GX.m_machine024
Seconded. I can't beat the 7th story mission (atleast not without like, 10 hours of trying)
Also I've been downloading old games onto my Wii and man those are hard. Metriod, R-Type III, the original zelda. Now those games are HARD. I would hate have those be the best games around because they just require so much time to get good at.
I liketo have achallenge in my games but theres a point were it becomes more of a chore then fun. So what games out there can you think of that you just didnt even bother trying to finish due to it being too hard?xTHExJUICEx
farcry on relistic, one or 2 shots are your dead
I liketo have achallenge in my games but theres a point were it becomes more of a chore then fun. So what games out there can you think of that you just didnt even bother trying to finish due to it being too hard?xTHExJUICEx
DoA 4,but I went back after a week from not playing it....stupid boss haxs!!
when u throw the controller on the floor and it bounces back and hits u in the face...legend26
OT but time I was playing champions of Norrath and I didnt save for almost 4 hours into the game and BAM it gave me a disc read I took the game out and yelled "I'll give you disc read error" and picked up the first thing I saw which was one of my old remotes to my old tv and proceeded to beat the hell out of the disc.
The crappy part was my dog was rite next me and he got so scared he went #2 on the floor.That was a very bad day.
Recent example...
Halo 3, going solo on legendary in the 8th level (Cortana). I was doing more for the sake to prove to myself I could, I was NOT having fun. The design of the level sucks, and at that difficulty mixed in it loses a lot of it "fun" factor which is why I play to begin with.
agreed cortana is the worst level design in the history of gaming
I liketo have achallenge in my games but theres a point were it becomes more of a chore then fun. So what games out there can you think of that you just didnt even bother trying to finish due to it being too hard?xTHExJUICEx
Good thread. A few games that come to mind. I didn't like the first boss in Tomb Raider Legend, he played to cheap throwing fireballs at every angleand was really difficult to beat as he would run away after shooting a series of fire at you. After working up a sweat for two hours on the guy and cussing the game out and its creators I finally beaten him.
Eternal Champions for Genesis. i don't play this fighter much anymore but I still think the way this game was setup was flawed. It offered no character selection after losing. If you made progress along the way in the game and lost you were knocked down two fighter down to the fighter you beaten before, and the difficulty of the was hard compared to its Sega CD sequal that corrected all those flaws.
I know i'm forgetting more games that I played that I felt were too hard, but there's quite a lot of games out like that, good thread topic.
Gran Turismo licenses all for Gold.... its almost frustratingly impossible. I really love beating my own records over and over. Frustration somehow makes a game good for me. Soit can never get hard enough for me:PPullTheTricker
I've done it.... it wasn't that hard
[QUOTE="-RPGamer-"]Recent example...
Halo 3, going solo on legendary in the 8th level (Cortana). I was doing more for the sake to prove to myself I could, I was NOT having fun. The design of the level sucks, and at that difficulty mixed in it loses a lot of it "fun" factor which is why I play to begin with.
agreed cortana is the worst level design in the history of gaming
wow over exaggeration FTL. But yes its poorly designed.... It was those morphing/moving turrets that made it annoying for me. Otherwise I'd be okay with the lvl, personally.
[QUOTE="legend26"]when u throw the controller on the floor and it bounces back and hits u in the face...Ballroompirate
OT but time I was playing champions of Norrath and I didnt save for almost 4 hours into the game and BAM it gave me a disc read I took the game out and yelled "I'll give you disc read error" and picked up the first thing I saw which was one of my old remotes to my old tv and proceeded to beat the hell out of the disc.
The crappy part was my dog was rite next me and he got so scared he went #2 on the floor.That was a very bad day.
good stuff.... wish you had it recorded.... thatd be a great Youtube flick.
Super Mario 64.
119 stars. /thread
i got 150 stars at least 5 times in the ds version. and i beat the main game (final boss defeated, 80 stars) in 3 and a half hours. mario 64 is hard at first but then after that it gets pretty easy, im currently on my 10th run.
The last three levels of Starcraft: Brood War.I was able to play through all the other missions,and a lot of them were difficult,but the last three ratchet up the difficult to insanity,and I have yet to beat them.
what really sucks is when you are winning a hard race in forza 2 and you slightly go off track and the race is endurance race with 30+ laps and you are in final 5 laps then you lose.....or when you get killed too much in FPS online multiplayer, that makes me ake out battery from my controller and throw it away...yeah its tempting to throw ur controller as well in that situation but you gotta control lol
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