I don't really care about how fast they pump out games. I care about how good they are. Naughty Dog and Insomniac games lack that feeling of polish I see on AAA titles in my opinion. That's why we will never be talking about how great there work was 10 years from now. Despite that they are still good devs.
Spyro and Crash - Absolute classics that still get recognised for their greatness today. And by the time Insomniac is done with R&C its greatness will still be talked about. Those are games that people love. I really don't know what you're talking about. :|
:lol: Maybe you recognize them as some sort of greatness but the rest of us hardly ever mention them. Crash and Spyro are hardly classics. And yes, I have played and beaten every spyro and crash game Naughty Dog and Insomniac have released multiple times 100% perfect. (yes even CTR) As far as R&C being a classic? Seriously, hell no, good games yes, timeless classic? Maybe ................................no I can't lie, never is that going to happen. People love lots of games, their opinions aren't really what define classics, so if you don't know what I'm talking about, I suggest you take a hard look at the industry and then at those games and see why I have made my position.
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