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When PS2 is Dead Wii has NO ports from ps2 anymore which means about 70% of Wii's game would be gone and very few games which are multiplateform would come to wii because alot of games would be to downgrade significantly from PS3/Xbox 360pminooeitoo bad the top selling wii game is'nt a ps2 port it's a gamecube one (twilight princess if you are wondering).....u sony fanboys are just trying to make yourself feel
The more success Wii recieves the more desperation the graphics whores exhibit; it must be sad to live such a hollow, unintelligent, life. To believe that graphics are the most important thing in a video game suggests the presence of an incredible amount of voluntary ignorance.MaTT2011You have to admit, the PSP/PS2 ports are getting ridiculous.
The more success Wii recieves the more desperation the graphics whores exhibit; it must be sad to live such a hollow, unintelligent, life. To believe that graphics are the most important thing in a video game suggests the presence of an incredible amount of voluntary ignorance.MaTT2011
whos talking about graphics? only few multiplate games will gon wii because it's very hard to downgrade games that are on 360/ps3 for example call of duty is not a downgrade of 360/ps3 but a port from PS2 version
[QUOTE="MaTT2011"]The more success Wii recieves the more desperation the graphics whores exhibit; it must be sad to live such a hollow, unintelligent, life. To believe that graphics are the most important thing in a video game suggests the presence of an incredible amount of voluntary ignorance.TrueReligion_You have to admit, the PSP/PS2 ports are getting ridiculous. It would be ridiculous is they were all total garbage; but by virtue of having new wiimote controls these games are recieving new life and gameplay dynamics that were previously unavailable to console gaming. These ports benefit from the Wii's inherent ablities whereas if they are ported to another system, just like ps2 (360, ps3), they would be exactly the same in every way except for graphics : and graphics dont improve gameplay. Wiimote controls DO.
[QUOTE="TrueReligion_"][QUOTE="MaTT2011"]The more success Wii recieves the more desperation the graphics whores exhibit; it must be sad to live such a hollow, unintelligent, life. To believe that graphics are the most important thing in a video game suggests the presence of an incredible amount of voluntary ignorance.MaTT2011You have to admit, the PSP/PS2 ports are getting ridiculous. It would be ridiculous is they were all total garbage; but by virtue of having new wiimote controls these games are recieving new life and gameplay dynamics that were previously unavailable to console gaming. These ports benefit from the Wii's inherent ablities whereas if they are ported to another system, just like ps2 (360, ps3), they would be exactly the same in every way except for graphics : and graphics dont improve gameplay. Wiimote controls DO. There are some ports that play nicely. I'm currently interested in Godfather and Prince of Persia. But, it's getting to the point that the majority of 3rd party developers do this- all we're getting is shovelware from Ubisoft, Activison, EA, and other major 3rd party developers. It is as if they aren't taking the Wii or its fanbase seriously.
[QUOTE="MaTT2011"]The more success Wii recieves the more desperation the graphics whores exhibit; it must be sad to live such a hollow, unintelligent, life. To believe that graphics are the most important thing in a video game suggests the presence of an incredible amount of voluntary ignorance.pminooei
whos talking about graphics? only few multiplate games will gon wii because it's very hard to downgrade games that are on 360/ps3 for example call of duty is not a downgrade of 360/ps3 but a port from PS2 version
Graphics are the #1 factor which anti-wii, anti Gameplay >>> graphics, tout as the main reason for the wii's supposed inevitable demise. To suggest that after the ps2 is dead the wii will fail, because of its inablity to produce graphics like 360/ps3 (and the "fact" that its very hard to downgrade games from those systems), is to suggest that its graphical abilities will be the end of it. But thats simply not true. Games CAN be downgraded, visually, in any number of ways while still retaining pleasing visuals and many developers, once they have ported their popular ps2 games and thus making incredible profit and introducing IP's/products into the wii market, are going to start making games specifically FOR the wii once it becomes apparrent that ps2 ports arent going to cut it anymore or when they just cant port anything else.[QUOTE="MaTT2011"]The more success Wii recieves the more desperation the graphics whores exhibit; it must be sad to live such a hollow, unintelligent, life. To believe that graphics are the most important thing in a video game suggests the presence of an incredible amount of voluntary ignorance.TrueReligion_You have to admit, the PSP/PS2 ports are getting ridiculous. Never doubt the appeal of easy money coupled with human greed
The ignorance of people who can't research five days in advance is very frightening here on System Wars. Does no one realize that no system just explodes off launch with 5 AAA titles?? The Wii is just warming up right now.postulio14
i wasn't talking about Wii's game score i mean Wii gets alot of Ports from PS2/PSP if you don't agree well no one is forcing you but than thats how i feel. yes Wii would get more exclusive but when PS2/PSP is dead Wii Would loose ALOT OF games because they were ports
When PS2 is Dead Wii has NO ports from ps2 anymore which means about 70% of Wii's game would be gone and very few games which are multiplateform would come to wii because alot of games would be to downgrade significantly from PS3/Xbox 360pminooeithat is silly talk
[QUOTE="MaTT2011"][QUOTE="TrueReligion_"][QUOTE="MaTT2011"]The more success Wii recieves the more desperation the graphics whores exhibit; it must be sad to live such a hollow, unintelligent, life. To believe that graphics are the most important thing in a video game suggests the presence of an incredible amount of voluntary ignorance.TrueReligion_You have to admit, the PSP/PS2 ports are getting ridiculous. It would be ridiculous is they were all total garbage; but by virtue of having new wiimote controls these games are recieving new life and gameplay dynamics that were previously unavailable to console gaming. These ports benefit from the Wii's inherent ablities whereas if they are ported to another system, just like ps2 (360, ps3), they would be exactly the same in every way except for graphics : and graphics dont improve gameplay. Wiimote controls DO. There are some ports that play nicely. I'm currently interested in Godfather and Prince of Persia. But, it's getting to the point that the majority of 3rd party developers do this- all we're getting is shovelware from Ubisoft, Activison, EA, and other major 3rd party developers. It is as if they aren't taking the Wii or its fanbase seriously. The only reason these ports are occuring is because they can: a) make an incredible profit doing so b) To carry over their target audience from a system, like ps2, to a new system. Once they do this they will be in a position to produce original games. You have to ease the market into something as new, innovative and revolutionary as the wii. The market is so used to certain way of gaming that if you rip away all the familiar franchises, games and concepts you may risk exposing them to a type of shell shock. Its much safer to guide the herd, gently, into this new, much more profitable, way of gaming. The wii fanbase isnt a fanbase unto itself; it comprises the fanbase of the ps2, xbox, gamecube, ds, gameboy, PC and 360 platforms. You need to give this audience something familiar at first to acquaint them, get them familar with, this platform. This happens with EVERY system in the beginning; the wii, unlike others, has been much more successful at it though. Not all these ports are going to be great, this is a business first and foremost so corners will be cut, but a suprising amount of them have been great by virtue of just BEING on wii! Motion controls go a LONG way.
[QUOTE="pminooei"][QUOTE="MaTT2011"]The more success Wii recieves the more desperation the graphics whores exhibit; it must be sad to live such a hollow, unintelligent, life. To believe that graphics are the most important thing in a video game suggests the presence of an incredible amount of voluntary ignorance.MaTT2011
whos talking about graphics? only few multiplate games will gon wii because it's very hard to downgrade games that are on 360/ps3 for example call of duty is not a downgrade of 360/ps3 but a port from PS2 version
Graphics are the #1 factor which anti-wii, anti Gameplay >>> graphics, tout as the main reason for the wii's supposed inevitable demise. To suggest that after the ps2 is dead the wii will fail, because of its inablity to produce graphics like 360/ps3 (and the "fact" that its very hard to downgrade games from those systems), is to suggest that its graphical abilities will be the end of it. But thats simply not true. Games CAN be downgraded, visually, in any number of ways while still retaining pleasing visuals and many developers, once they have ported their popular ps2 games and thus making incredible profit and introducing IP's/products into the wii market, are going to start making games specifically FOR the wii once it becomes apparrent that ps2 ports arent going to cut it anymore or when they just cant port anything else.Â
the power of a console is not only in graphics it's also in AI/physics of the game as well and the size of the game imagine games like Gears of war/Resistence fall of man come to Wii the controllers will give it some advantages but than those games would be that interesting as it was the physics would be reduced to basiclly 0 and resistences number of players would be reduced to 10max and gears of war graphic would be reduced to PS2/xbox quility, there are more things to a game than just garphics.
both ps3/360 are multicores and it's very hard to reduce such powerful hardware to a console that has a speed less than 1MGHZ
The more success Wii recieves the more desperation the graphics whores exhibit; it must be sad to live such a hollow, unintelligent, life. To believe that graphics are the most important thing in a video game suggests the presence of an incredible amount of voluntary ignorance.MaTT2011lol sheep whine so much it really gets old...
[QUOTE="MaTT2011"]The more success Wii recieves the more desperation the graphics whores exhibit; it must be sad to live such a hollow, unintelligent, life. To believe that graphics are the most important thing in a video game suggests the presence of an incredible amount of voluntary ignorance.kingyotolol sheep whine so much it really gets old... ummmm, its called an OBSERVATION and a comment. If you could show me where, anywhere, i "whined" about anything in my post ..... well i would certainly like to see that.....because to my knowledge its not there at all. So next time you post make sure to SAY something; or just zip it, son.
[QUOTE="MaTT2011"]The more success Wii recieves the more desperation the graphics whores exhibit; it must be sad to live such a hollow, unintelligent, life. To believe that graphics are the most important thing in a video game suggests the presence of an incredible amount of voluntary ignorance.TrueReligion_You have to admit, the PSP/PS2 ports are getting ridiculous. It's good filler(For companies at least) until real Wii games start to come out.
[QUOTE="MaTT2011"][QUOTE="pminooei"][QUOTE="MaTT2011"]The more success Wii recieves the more desperation the graphics whores exhibit; it must be sad to live such a hollow, unintelligent, life. To believe that graphics are the most important thing in a video game suggests the presence of an incredible amount of voluntary ignorance.pminooei
whos talking about graphics? only few multiplate games will gon wii because it's very hard to downgrade games that are on 360/ps3 for example call of duty is not a downgrade of 360/ps3 but a port from PS2 version
Graphics are the #1 factor which anti-wii, anti Gameplay >>> graphics, tout as the main reason for the wii's supposed inevitable demise. To suggest that after the ps2 is dead the wii will fail, because of its inablity to produce graphics like 360/ps3 (and the "fact" that its very hard to downgrade games from those systems), is to suggest that its graphical abilities will be the end of it. But thats simply not true. Games CAN be downgraded, visually, in any number of ways while still retaining pleasing visuals and many developers, once they have ported their popular ps2 games and thus making incredible profit and introducing IP's/products into the wii market, are going to start making games specifically FOR the wii once it becomes apparrent that ps2 ports arent going to cut it anymore or when they just cant port anything else.Â
the power of a console is not only in graphics it's also in AI/physics of the game as well and the size of the game imagine games like Gears of war/Resistence fall of man come to Wii the controllers will give it some advantages but than those games would be that interesting as it was the physics would be reduced to basiclly 0 and resistences number of players would be reduced to 10max and gears of war graphic would be reduced to PS2/xbox quility, there are more things to a game than just garphics.
both ps3/360 are multicores and it's very hard to reduce such powerful hardware to a console that has a speed less than 1MGHZ
ps2Â quality grapchis :? xbox gc is stronger than ps2 so is wii since wii is more powerful than cube you just really lost it there
The more success Wii recieves the more desperation the graphics whores exhibit; it must be sad to live such a hollow, unintelligent, life. To believe that graphics are the most important thing in a video game suggests the presence of an incredible amount of voluntary ignorance.MaTT2011So, the more intelligent you are the less polygons you need? Geniuses only need sprites? That means 360 owners are as dumb as bricks. I'm not even sure how I developed the motor skills to type this response.
[QUOTE="MaTT2011"]The more success Wii recieves the more desperation the graphics whores exhibit; it must be sad to live such a hollow, unintelligent, life. To believe that graphics are the most important thing in a video game suggests the presence of an incredible amount of voluntary ignorance.Berserker_2So, the more intelligent you are the less polygons you need? Geniuses only need sprites? That means 360 owners are as dumb as bricks. I'm not even sure how I developed the motor skills to type this response. I never suggested that the more intelligent you are the less polygons you need. Perhaps you should go back and re-read the post, take a bit more time to "think" and im sure it will come to you.
[QUOTE="magiciandude"]By that logic, the PSP would be a decaying carcass.pminooei
psp was doing horrible at first beacuse it had many ports but than exclusive games started coming out and it's doing better now.
Its still doing horribly, what are you talking about? The PSP is failing because all the ports were watered down and unoriginal, there are very few exclusives worth getting, and most of them are sub par at best.
[QUOTE="postulio14"]The ignorance of people who can't research five days in advance is very frightening here on System Wars. Does no one realize that no system just explodes off launch with 5 AAA titles?? The Wii is just warming up right now.pminooei
i wasn't talking about Wii's game score i mean Wii gets alot of Ports from PS2/PSP if you don't agree well no one is forcing you but than thats how i feel. yes Wii would get more exclusive but when PS2/PSP is dead Wii Would loose ALOT OF games because they were ports
would you pass at a chance for what is basically free money? besides there are a lot more original franchises popping up everyday that are being made from the ground up for Wii. Also games like Manhunt 2 are being developed in entirely different studios from their counterparts.Please Log In to post.
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