@bforrester420: Oops. My post was meant to be fries, not pacifically with you when he question about PS4 vs Xbox One. I wasn't trying to attack you.
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@bforrester420: Oops. My post was meant to be fries, not pacifically with you when he question about PS4 vs Xbox One. I wasn't trying to attack you.
Oh, I didn't take it as an attack. My PC situation isn't ideal. It's good enough to play most "7th Gen" games at decent settings, but it would mightily struggle with current software. I always own one of the consoles, and gaming is lower on the list of my expensive hobbies (golf pretty much rules my spring/summer/fall), so I typically don't sink as much time and money into gaming.
Because of those factors, building a new PC for gaming never makes it past the CBA (cost-benefit analysis) stage with me. I've thought about it in the past, but the cheapskate in me always keeps me from pulling the trigger.
Ps4 - 2017, i'll probably wait for the Ps4 slim
Xbox one - never
NX - if Nintendo has a good launch i'll buy it then, the Wii U had a pretty terrible launch.
last gen i bought all the console at or close to launch. this was a big mistake.
so im holding out until i see 5 games i want that i can only get on that system.
i have a wiiu (pikmin 3, mario world, xenoblade, mario kart, wonderful 101...target reached and i got the console brand new for 50 quid using a combination of deals).
PS4 only has 1, maybe 2. i want gravity rush 2 (though i hope they clean up the combat a good bit). horizon also has my interest.
xbox one: 0. so far there is nada that i want that i can only get on an X1.
I already bought a 3DS, a Vita, a PS4 and a WiiU ... I'm done for now on the consol part. But I'll buy MKX once the complete edition comes out and will wait for Fallout 4 complete edition at 30$ for now I'm prefectly happy with Bloodborne taking the majority of my gaming time.
That OP makes the creator seem as dumb as a sack of bricks. Sigh...lemmings. Anyways, I currently have a ps4 and I was debating getting an xbone this holiday but I would much rather get a PC considering i can get a desktop nearly around the same price or slightly more than the xbone yet have access to 1000x more games, better exclusives, better community, and mods. However I will probably get an xbone at some point although I am not dying to get one considering the only game worth getting for me is Halo which I have already played to death. I do not see myself getting a wii u but ill keep my eye open on the NX
@hello505: I'll not be buying a Nintendo console for a very long time. I just don't care about the games they offer any more.
I have no interest in building a desktop PC. Everything I do on a day to day can be done on my laptop without it even breaking sweat. Anything more powerful would be over kill and as a result a waste of money for me.
Xbox One. I only ever buy one console. The only reason to buy two consoles is for the exclusives and they aren't frequent enough to make me want to buy two consoles. So since right now I have a PS4, I'll buy an Xbox One most likely if my PS4 ever breaks.
I don't think I'll ever buy a PS4 since I already have an Xbone. There would be no point. Sony could have got me to purchase a PS4 instead if they would have released 1 or 2 quality exclusives during its first 2 years of existence.
I'll probably buy a New 3DS XL if I find it like $ 129 during the holidays' sale season.
I'll probably but that NX handheld when it's out. I like the handheld form factor and Sony seems to no longer be interested.
I'll probably buy a "handheld PC" (closer to SmachZero/Shield design) when they're poweful enough for my standards.
There is literally nothing besides Nier 2 that interests me in a PS4. And that's a damn shame, because I'd really like to play Nier 2.
The XB1 is already appealing enough to me to want one, but I have far more important financial priorities at this point to even consider buying one.
NX, if it's up to or beyond PS4 capability. PC upgrade when a decent card can be bundled with conponents for around $450
NX if it's twice as powerful as the mighty X1 , no gimmicks and if it launches at $399.99 or less with a new Zelda packed in. :P
NX if it's twice as powerful as the mighty X1 , no gimmicks and if it launches at $399.99 or less with a new Zelda packed in. :P
We may be from different sides (not really of course) but our mutual love for Zelda brings us together, gimme a high five Zelda fan!
lol yep and Celda was my Favorite. I'm a boater in real life so the big blue open water world really had me from the start. Hoping for big, big things from the next Zelda and I really think Nintendo will be missing the boat (pun intended :P) if they don't make Zelda a launch title for the NX.
lol yep and Celda was my Favorite. I'm a boater in real life so the big blue open water world really had me from the start. Hoping for big, big things from the next Zelda and I really think Nintendo will be missing the boat (pun intended :P) if they don't make Zelda a launch title for the NX.
I would gladly accept yearly Zelda XD
NX/PS4 - if both have games I like then maybe. I see NX and Nintendo games to be more interesting though.
Otherwise, I'm dead set in focusing/investing solely on X1.
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