[QUOTE="TreyoftheDead"] Call me a sap, but it has always bothered me that in most video games and anime the romance is always implied, especially between two main characters. I mean, that works sometimes, but it's almost like a cliche now. Lot's of meaningful looks and "clever hints", screw that...just kiss already! :P
And yes I agree, romance was handled well in FFVIII.
Ever play Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy in the US)?The two main characters end up falling in love and actually make love in a scene later in the game. I don't know why there wasn't a big ho-har about it, because it is quite graphic, but still handled romantically and respectfully.
Considering whathappened with the 'hot coffee' scandal and even the mini game in God of War, this game seemed to avoid the attention of the angry mob. It's a great game, I recommend everyone play it. Incredibly cinematic. The developer is currently working on a PS3 title, likley to be Heavy Rain.
Other games with romantic qualities ; Broken Sword, KOTOR 1 & 2, Monkey Island series, Jade Empire, theSims seriesetc. There are probably many more, but the fact I stopped after 5 or 6 goes to show how rare it is. I mean, ask me about romantic films andI could name 100...
Fahrenheit is a terrible example. they skipped the romance and went to the sex(not the same thing). when that scene came on I was like WTF?
i agree with KOTOR and Jade Empire though.
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