[QUOTE="RuprechtMonkey"] Wow, you are quite the fanboy.
Do you realize how many games on that list are actually terrible games? if you're lucky there'll be one AAA on that list.
Can you tell me the Lottery numbers too? At least tell me where you bought your Time Machine
I can tell you for the first time in videogame history, the console with by far the highest sales numbers also has the least overall number of AAA's and AA's. Looking at the game lineups that doesn't look to be changing anytime soon.
That's a fact, before the Wii that had never happened before.
The Wii is elling at a higher rate than the PS2 did at this point in its lifetime yet it has AAA and AA numbers on par with the GC, which sold 1/6 as much. That is a fact.
Because of the Wii's hardware and control scheme it is losing KEY multiplats - games that during the last generation helped define the GC (like Resident Evil 4.... instead the Wii gets RE lightgun trash. Yay!)
If the PS2 sold the amount it did (around 120 million or whatever) but had the LEAST AAA's and AA's among the 3 consoles it would be remembered as a joke.
Those are things I don't need a time machine to tell you. Although, your fanboy goggles will probably prevent you from acknowledging it.
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