@mems_1224 said:
Remedy hasn't produced a high selling IP before??? What the **** are you talking about? So you'll take a PSP developer and a developer that makes niche titles over the creators of Max Payne? Lolwut?
Smfh, and they wonder why cows are the jokes of SW's, because of fanboys like TC.
@SolidGame_basic said:
Sony has The Order 1886 and Bloodborne. Regardless if they do well critically, they are going to sell well. Wii U has Xenoblade Chronicles X, which to me is a new IP because the Wii original was more of a cult hit. Wii U also has Splatoon and Devil's Third. But Xbox One? I really don't see Quantum Break being a big hit, nor Scalebound, because they are both being made by developers that haven't really produced high selling IPs before. So what gives, SW? Does MS have some surprises for us this E3? Because my X1 just keeps getting dustier and dustier.
You don't see it because Sony's ballsack is covering your eyes. Remedy are the creator's of Max Payne, a popular franchise. Xenoblade Chronicles X is *not* a new IP, no matter what your jaded opinion is (trying to move goalposts). It'll probably sell just as much as Bayonetta did to be honest . Devil's Turd will sell like dogshit.
Your argument is jaded & flawed. Please tell me what makes Ready At Dawn so special? All they've ever made were psp ports/spinoff's of other people's games. Are you cows just hyping the shit because it's an exclusive? As usual. You're so quick to give WiiU a pass by mentioning shit like "Devil's Turd", and "Splatoon". But yet you're quick to diss the Xbone. Halo 5 is coming, and it will sell very well. Phantom Dust reboot is in the making, which was a niche title, but awesome on OG Xbox. Scalebound is a new IP with little information so far, so how can you shit on it so easily right now? Let me guess, because it's not on PS4. Too predictable.
That's like me saying that Project Horizon will be dogshit because Guerrilla Games have always been all hype & no substance in my opinion. But I don't. I would actually like more info on the game.
Broaden your horizon for a change dude. "Bu bu but I own all the systems." Cool, but you're extremely biased.
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