I can see consoles becoming the main source for gaming, because it's simple to design for them unlike the computer.
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I can see consoles becoming the main source for gaming, because it's simple to design for them unlike the computer.
God let's hope you're wrong.. I don't want the 'main games' available to be 'Angry Birds 3' or 'Plants vs Zombies: Complete Edition'
Why do people associate casuals with those games? Seriously? Why? We all don't play those games, some of us even hate those games...
God let's hope you're wrong.. I don't want the 'main games' available to be 'Angry Birds 3' or 'Plants vs Zombies: Complete Edition'
Why do people associate casuals with those games? Seriously? Why? We all don't play those games, some of us even hate those games...
By casuality, I associate games easy to play and easy to understand. Well, I think that if my grandma plays Angry Birds she will enjoy it more than Call of Duty.. it is easier, it has no story and it is simple.
God let's hope you're wrong.. I don't want the 'main games' available to be 'Angry Birds 3' or 'Plants vs Zombies: Complete Edition'
Why do people associate casuals with those games? Seriously? Why? We all don't play those games, some of us even hate those games...
By casuality, I associate games easy to play and easy to understand. Well, I think that if my grandma plays Angry Birds she will enjoy it more than Call of Duty.. it is easier, it has no story and it is simple.
By casuality for me I think of someone who just plays games for fun and doesn't sit down for hours on end getting every achievement, collecting every trophy or audio log or whatever, and just a gamer who plays games for like maybe an hour or two and nothing more like some hardcore gamers.
That's my definition, of course.
a casual is someone who rarely buys or plays games....that's the dumbest thing for nintendo or microsoft or sony to do is focus on people who rarely ever buy games.
I'm a guy that likes video games and I like to collect them and being able to play them all. If games go to the cloud, I won't be able to play my old games. If they continue on consoles or PC I will, so I hope as hell they keep doing consoles and keep producing on PC.
a casual is someone who rarely buys or plays games....that's the dumbest thing for nintendo or microsoft or sony to do is focus on people who rarely ever buy games.
Actually that has always been the point. To attract more people and make the market bigger. Almost every single gamer started as a casual that at some point got hooked.
Ding ding someone picked a winner. This should be included in the poll.[QUOTE="viper-kid"][QUOTE="freedomfreak"]
Casuals have always been the future of gaming. I don't know why this is even being discussed.
A few years ago the only games available were casuals and they evolved to something deeper...
God let's hope you're wrong.. I don't want the 'main games' available to be 'Angry Birds 3' or 'Plants vs Zombies: Complete Edition'
Why do people associate casuals with those games? Seriously? Why? We all don't play those games, some of us even hate those games...
Why not? They are casual games after all.
[QUOTE="viper-kid"] Ding ding someone picked a winner. This should be included in the poll.tjricardo089
Casuals have always been the future of gaming. I don't know why this is even being discussed.
A few years ago the only games available were casuals and they evolved to something deeper...
No. How can it be possible? What you just said has never happened. There has never been a point in time where casual games where the only ones available.
a casual might buy a game once in a blue moon microsoft making casual gamers their main focus is the stupidest **** ever
God let's hope you're wrong.. I don't want the 'main games' available to be 'Angry Birds 3' or 'Plants vs Zombies: Complete Edition'
Why do people associate casuals with those games? Seriously? Why? We all don't play those games, some of us even hate those games...
Why not? They are casual games after all.
I'm a casual and I don't play those games.....I find it quite offensive. :x
HTPCs in the living room.
Nintendo/MS/Sony no longer develop hardware, but instead release their own software clients to distribute their games and services (like Steam).
I could actually see that happen, but instead of HTPCs something like Onlive.
HTPCs in the living room.
Nintendo/MS/Sony no longer develop hardware, but instead release their own software clients to distribute their games and services (like Steam).
I could actually see that happen, but instead of HTPCs something like Onlive.
That too.
I just imagine any sort of PC really. I'd say even smartphones/tablets as well as they'll be powerful enough eventually.
the way it looks, sadly i would say 10 years from now you'll just lie back and answer yes or no with voice command through the whole games. and they'll need iris or thumb print scan to even load them to begin with.
The cloud will take over down the line. First i think we see consoles die, and get replaced by pc's. Then everything goes to the cload
There will always be a market for those types of games and it probably won't shrink but the casual gaming market will just keep on getting bigger and more profitable, so I predict that many publishers will start developing for both and some to shift audiences entirelyCasual gaming is good in ocasions, but nothing is better than a well developed story with great character interaction and bla bla bla.
I think stuff like Onlive will take over eventually.
How much did Rikusaki pay you to say that?
I think stuff like Onlive will take over eventually.
How much did Rikusaki pay you to say that?
I don't even know who that is. But once the infrastructures get better and the service itself is able to streamline better it will become a big thing. To think that you could play any game you wanted by doing very little is a big thing. And something a lot of people will get into. It's foolish to think it won't grow and bigger or gain any more recognition. It's a genius service that's just badly implemented at present. It has huge potential.
People also said ios devices wouldn't gain any recognition gaming wise and look at them. Sure not great games but that's not the point.
[QUOTE="seanmcloughlin"]Maybe...My only thing about that is infrastructure. A lot of places in the world, even if economically sound, have spotty internet at best. I'll do you one better. When you go to "cloud" or "on demand" gaming, who owns the games when you buy them? Most of the time, you are buying "a license" for the game, and not actually the game yourself, and companies love that idea since you lose your rights over it. Then your entire game collection is dependent on a company to keep their clouds up, to keep the availability up, and you have no legal recourse if they just up and close up shop. You then have no game and you are out the money you paid for it. Not to mention the added bonus of digital copies having no resaleability. There are a lot of valuable things we will be giving up by moving to a more "convenient" cloud system.I think stuff like Onlive will take over eventually.
That is my only praise to be said for companies that stream games for a monthly fee. At least they aren't charging you for the game content itself since you don't get to own a copy, which is more than can be said for all the cloud ideas.
A unified Personal Gaming System. All games would be in a single online store like steam. Think of it, all devs would make games for it. Open source, the freedom of a PC and every game on the market. That would be awesome.
as long as i don't HAVE to be online to purchase or play
and don't have to wait 5 years at a time for the other system's graphics to catch up, like now
one universal gaming/media system is a much better idea
Sony. Sony is the future and the only thing saving gaming from complete and total casualization. ispeakfactpretty funny
pretty funny Pretty jelly. ;)[QUOTE="ispeakfact"]Sony. Sony is the future and the only thing saving gaming from complete and total casualization. elessarGObonzo
The future is gaming as a service.
You'll buy your game from EA, or from Microsoft "Live" or from PSN, and you'll be able to play it on your smart TV, on your handheld, on your phone, on your tablet, on your laptop/desktop PC, on your retinal display HUD-based google glasses. On the skin grafted OLED screen on your @ss.
This technology will probably employ various methods to get the game to you. Some times you'll be playing on the cloud, other times it might be a generic device, and a few times (and I do believe this will decrease i the future) dedicated hardware.
one universal gaming/media system is a much better idea
I thought I was alone in this world.. thank you. One system where you could play World of Warcraft, Uncharted, Halo and Super Mario would be beast.
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