KOTOR 2. The real version, not that half assed one Lucasarts forced Obsidian to release. I remember reading about how there's code for something like 2 or 3 more planets in the PC version that weren't in the final game.
On that same note a real squel to Deus Ex.
Diablo 3, I know it hasn't even been announced and its probably in development as we speak, but I want that game bad.
BC and Black and White 3, hopefully Lionhead can take a look at thesetwo once Fable 2 is done.
The idea of a new Fear Effect game on the PS3 blows my mind. That game looked increadible back on the PS1 and part 3 for the PS2 never saw the light of day thanks to Eidos obsession with pumping out endless Tomb Raider crap.
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