A crapton, to be honest. But to start things off:
Dark Forces on the Source 2 Engine
Chances of this happening are next to jack shit tbh, though with throwback shooters being more popular, I'd like to think that the Source 2 Engine would be a logical fit so as to retain the janky movement physics from the very first Quake game. In my opinion, how the player moves around the map is just as important as how shooting a gun feels in these types of games. Heck, some secrets could be moved around to better encourage explosive jumping.
Operation: Inner Space
Doubt anyone has ever heard of this game, so i'm gonna post a link to a Youtube video. Reason why i think this game could do with a revival is cuz AI faction wars don't really get much love in gaming and this is likely the first video game to introduce such a mechanic.
Tyrian 2000
Top down shoot-em-ups seem to be a popular thing among indie developers and while Tyrian 2000 is free for everyone who creates a GOG account, i feel like a new version with full 3D graphics would be a welcome sight to see, and I think it'd get more positive attention than a free game from the end of DOS' lifespan, even if a Tyrian remake were to cost actual money.
Heroes of Might and Magic 3
Would likely require Ubisoft to auction off the intellectual property rights to Might and Magic, though if that ever happens, I think M&M could make a comeback like how Age of Wonders did. Would also allow for an "Armageddon's Blade Deleted Scenes" where the new owners of the IP could do a restoration project of the Forge faction. Actually, would a 1:1 remake work or would it be better to scrap everything for a steampunk faction? Cuz I know that the worlds of Might & Magic are actually self-contained biodomes ruled by aliens.
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