[QUOTE="Gangans"][QUOTE="4_Horsemen"][QUOTE="Gangans"] How can I include nintendo when they are the world's largest and most profitable game developer/publisher, dominate utterly the hand-held console arena and have just released a wildly successful and extremely fast selling motion based home console?
And the wii is NOT a gamecube, you only make yourself look bad with that tired old fanboy rant.
Well I see that falling from grace in your opinion doesn't include companies that make a zillion dollars a year.I could care less how much money Nintendo makes because I don't see a dime of it. The way the company bastardizes their characters is unacceptable to me. They pray on the nostalgic sentiment of their gamers but I and others have woke up and smelled the lameness.
The Wii may not be technically a Gamecube but the games sure do look like it. So don't come out with that fanboy crap TC. You asked a question, I gave you an answer.
Your opinion on nintendo's franchises has no basis for anyone else, so I will treat it as such, just a personal opinion. You don't like mario, metroid or zelda games? Too bad.
If you enjoy playing graphics stick to your $500 consoles, It's ok, I understand. If you knew anything you would understand that nintendo upgraded the gpu and cpu in the wii, both are clocked faster and rebuilt on a smaller 90nm process. They also included 91mb of ram to gamecube's 48. Slight upgrade but enough for what the console is meant to do, and that is to offer a new way of playing.
By the way you are not the greater market, your single opnion will not decide nintendo's or the wii's fate, thus I had no reason to include nintendo, the only company being successfull this gen, in that list. IF i had done that then microsoft would have failed in the console arena when they had released the money draining xbox1, and i would have had to include them too.
OMG I have to roll my eyes on your thoughts TC :roll:. My opinion has no basis?Am I lying that Nintendo has bastardized their characters? Especially Mario to an insane degree. I do like the Mario, Zelda and Metroid of yester-year. But if Zelda:TP is any indication of the challenge that Nintendo is incorporating in their games. Yeah I don't like them. Even the kiddy-looking Zelda:WW required more skill to beat than this new casual sequel.
You say if I knew anything I would understand. :roll: I guess you missed the part where I said the Wii is technically not a Gamecube. But are you seriously gonna tell me that the current and upcoming Wii games look at least twice as better than the Cube?
TC you talk as if I'm the only one that see's flaws in Nintendo and the Wii. Get with the program. Not everybody likes it just like the other two consoles. I stated valid reasons, if it get's you upset, so be it.
Bottom line: Nintendo has fallen from grace. I see them re-re-releasing alot of old-school games. Using their characters in other games besides their respective own. The graphics on the Wii look similar to the Cube's. And Z:Tp along with Paper Mario were too easy to beat. It seems you're not the greater market either. Casuals are. That's assuming you're a long time gamer.
Please, do tell, are nintendo considered a quality developer nowadays? If you answered no, you are seriously out of it. So I'll assume you have answered yes, they produce some of the finest games on any platform. IF YOU DON'T LIKE THOSE CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED GAMES, THEN PUT UP OR GET OUT. That's all it comes down to, you not liking mario, zelda and metroid games, so what if mario has 50 spinoffs, they are all mostly great games, and you don't have to play them, you can always just wait for the 'true' mario games like galaxy or whatever...which major highly succesfull franchise ISN'T MILKED for all it's worth?
At least nintendo provides good bastardized milkage, unlike some.
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