I mean the trashiest. I'm talking about thekids who love to swear and argue, and any other bad expiriences you've had online. Post your expiriences here and which console it was on :)
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Gah it has to be the 360. Having played online extensively on all three systems, the sheer number of 12 year olds trying to sound gangster and screaming cussing whiners is exponentially higher on the 360.
Gah it has to be the 360. Having played online extensively on all three systems, the sheer number of 12 year olds trying to sound gangster and screaming cussing whiners is exponentially higher on the 360.
Actually I almost never find a single person who actually talks. Sometimes I wish there was a loud 12 year old gangster there just so I knew I was playing with other people and not bots.
I only have a 360 and a Wii (which I didn't know you could speak on) and I'll admit that the 360 has a terrible amount of annoying 12 year olds. The other thing that annoys me is trash talking welsh people. Their sing songy voice annoys me and the fact that they take the mick and argue about everything is even worse.
Gah it has to be the 360. Having played online extensively on all three systems, the sheer number of 12 year olds trying to sound gangster and screaming cussing whiners is exponentially higher on the 360.
Actually I almost never find a single person who actually talks. Sometimes I wish there was a loud 12 year old gangster there just so I knew I was playing with other people and not bots.
Really? What games do you play???
Gah it has to be the 360. Having played online extensively on all three systems, the sheer number of 12 year olds trying to sound gangster and screaming cussing whiners is exponentially higher on the 360.
Actually I almost never find a single person who actually talks. Sometimes I wish there was a loud 12 year old gangster there just so I knew I was playing with other people and not bots.
Really? What games do you play???
Mostly bad company2. I think I heard someone talk maybe 2 times in the months I have played it.
Gah it has to be the 360. Having played online extensively on all three systems, the sheer number of 12 year olds trying to sound gangster and screaming cussing whiners is exponentially higher on the 360.
Actually I almost never find a single person who actually talks. Sometimes I wish there was a loud 12 year old gangster there just so I knew I was playing with other people and not bots.
Really? What games do you play???
I was just about to ask this question, I WISH I could find some games like that :P
I have them all and xbox 360 is by far the worst with "s" talking kids. Ps3 is full of db's, If you don't know what that means just think of spencer prat. and PC is full of just a gang of cool kats that like to BS while they play. PC PS3 Xbox 360I mean the trashiest. I'm talking about thekids who love to swear and argue, and any other bad expiriences you've had online. Post your expiriences here and which console it was on :)
[QUOTE="DumbPanda"]I have them all and xbox 360 is by far the worst with "s" talking kids. Ps3 is full of db's, If you don't know what that means just think of spencer prat. and PC is full of just a gang of cool kats that like to BS while they play. PC PS3 Xbox 360I mean the trashiest. I'm talking about thekids who love to swear and argue, and any other bad expiriences you've had online. Post your expiriences here and which console it was on :)
I loved to BS while playing games. It was one of the best things about playing WoW. Just BSing all day in guild chat or trade chat.
I have them all and xbox 360 is by far the worst with "s" talking kids. Ps3 is full of db's, If you don't know what that means just think of spencer prat. and PC is full of just a gang of cool kats that like to BS while they play. PC PS3 Xbox 360[QUOTE="streetridaz"][QUOTE="DumbPanda"]
I mean the trashiest. I'm talking about thekids who love to swear and argue, and any other bad expiriences you've had online. Post your expiriences here and which console it was on :)
I loved to BS while playing games. It was one of the best things about playing WoW. Just BSing all day in guild chat or trade chat.
I almost said PC just because of WoW, SO many people take that game way too seriously and throw fits, its embarrassing to listen to lol
[QUOTE="streetridaz"] I have them all and xbox 360 is by far the worst with "s" talking kids. Ps3 is full of db's, If you don't know what that means just think of spencer prat. and PC is full of just a gang of cool kats that like to BS while they play. PC PS3 Xbox 360WreckEm711
I loved to BS while playing games. It was one of the best things about playing WoW. Just BSing all day in guild chat or trade chat.
I almost said PC just because of WoW, SO many people take that game way too seriously and throw fits, its embarrassing to listen to lol
Sure it was alot of BSing and everything but that was the best part. Whether it was in vent with talking or chat with words it was a blast. Even playing like countstrike or whatever on PC it was fun to BS or talk with other gamers in game. I have yet to play a console game that feels like a community.
From experience, the 360 tends to have more difficult users. I think It's because you get a headset with every console, (well I did) and people like to abuse it. If more PSN users had headsets, It'd probably be the same but I've hardly had any trouble as such.
Actually I almost never find a single person who actually talks. Sometimes I wish there was a loud 12 year old gangster there just so I knew I was playing with other people and not bots.
Really? What games do you play???
Mostly bad company2. I think I heard someone talk maybe 2 times in the months I have played it.
Well all the kids are on CoD :P
I was playing T:WFC on escaltaion, I was the last one left. Everytime I would transorm into a jet, some 12 year old would sing some song about flying. There was no mute function on that game
Rofl that's actually quite funny :PI was playing T:WFC on escaltaion, I was the last one left. Everytime I would transorm into a jet, some 12 year old would sing some song about flying. There was no mute function on that game
I couldn't fairly judge but XLive was pretty bad during my days of Halo 3 but its really calmed down a bit in Reach
Pretty much. If I had to pick one, the X360 community gets my vote for worst of all, but a lot of it really depends on the game that you are playing (You're pertty much guaranteed a population of elitists in an online shooter).
I never use my headset to begin with, and I auto-mute everyone all the time if the option is available, but the few times I have used my headset have been enough to convince me to not use it at all. Any hope of positive communication is lost in a sea of profanity and disrespect.
Xbox 360.
While we hear about people on MMOs and the PC being idiots, they're actually a small minority of players and most other people just either shuts up, don't talk unless spoken and are generally friendly people. Xbox 360 however, I cannot play one game of Call of Duty: Black Ops without being called an animal copulator or a dirty "N word" Muslim Terrorist and even in the same sentence (weird since they just called me a Muslim) say they'll do things to the Bible that would probably get me banned.
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