In your opinon, which of the three (Wii, 360,PS3) do you think is the better game box from a games perspective? Im not talking about bang for your buck features liek Bluray Playback or Priceor anything like that, im talking about the better syestem for games.
I love my PS3. It gives me great Exclusvies. But really, the PS3 has only really been great as far as Exclusives and games go only for the past two years or so. While 360 has been great pretty much since launch. 360 never ahd to paly catch up to its main competition, the PS3, and it was never considered a failure or a bad console at any point. PS3 for its first year or so was considered a disaster. It certainly got better, but the fact remains that the 360 has been great for longer then the PS3 has. I have never once felt like I wasted my money on a 360 when I first got it. When I first got my PS3 in early 2007, I didnt have that much great stuff to play. I had resistence and that was about it. While when I got my 360, I had Oblvion, COD 2, Kameo, and Gears of War to play. And honestly, while the differences arent as great as they once were, we cant discount the fact that 360 gets the better version of a game somehow the majority of the time, and thats a big win for 360 I think.
Because if I have both consoles, that means im going to be playing on my 360 more because of multiplatform being better on it. I would love nothing more then to do a majority of my gaming on my PS3, but it kinda feels...lacking when compared to how seemless 360 is and how they use there Rewards syestems (acheivements) better. Honestly, its mainly due to the multipaltform thing, but I really think 360 might be a better GAMES machine then PS3. I dont own a Wii, so I cant comment on that. 360 just seems to be more about the games then PS3 is, which focuses so much on Video palyback and features like 3-D and all that.
Anyway, what do you think?
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