Remember kids, there is a difference between expensive and overpriced.
-For example, x console has alot of fuetures that people find usefull for gaming and multimedia alike, but it is however very expensive, but people find it worth the money.
-But for example x console, doesn't offer alot and charges alot for it, while you could get the same experience for a much cheaper price, if not superior.
Now, my vote goes to the Wii, it gives me PS2 hardware really, to me it's a white ps2 with motion controls. and should be a 100 bucks cheaper.
* Main Entry: ex·pen·sive
* Pronunciation: \ik-ˈspen(t)-siv\
* Function: adjective
* Date: circa 1610 1 : involving high cost or sacrifice
2 a : commanding a high price and especially one that is not based on intrinsic worth or is beyond a prospective buyer's means
b : characterized by high prices - ex·pen·sive·ly adverb - ex·pen·sive·ness noun
* Main Entry: over·price
* Pronunciation: \ˌō-vər-ˈprīs\
* Function: transitive verb
* Date: 1605
: to price too high
merriam-webster is better at this kind of thing then you
lulz...seriously????...don't take this the wrong way but this place is so incredibly unimportant that i hardly even use punctuation anymore...im all like figure it out or don't idc anymorehere you are bustin out the dictionary for a bunch of guys that use "teh" and "alot" all the time
har har
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