Which console shuld I get?

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#1 Josh5890
Member since 2007 • 1025 Posts

I am simply an 18 year old college student who loves video games. I own a PS2, Wii, and a PSP. I am saving up money for either a 360 or PS3. Right now I could go with either one, it is a coin flip. I am asking for your help inI deciding what system I should get. Knowledge from people who own both systems would be greatly appreciated but anyone willing to offer their two cents will gladly be accepted. These are the components that I am really focusing on.

Game Library- Ok, I love platform games, sport games, and fps games are pretty good for me as well. RPGs are ok, not my favorite genre. I'm not the M-rated type but their are some which I can handle I guess. My top question is about Madden 09, COD4, and maybe GTV IV. I want to know which version is better all around. My other big question is exclusives. Quality of exclusives are more important to me rather than quantity.

Online- I'm not a big time gamer on the online spectrum but I like to occasionally play online. I have heard the Xbox Live is awsome but an extra $50/year isn't my cup of jo. If someone could enlighten me on how the Netflix thing will work, I would really appeciate it.

Accesories- It's no secret, these systems alone are already going to cost me an arm. I would like to not have to buy too many accesories to get the "full experience". Preferably another controller, headset for voice chat, and maybe a carrying case. Any other accesories that would be strongley suggested for either system would be good to know.

Basically that is what I'm looking for. My family does not own an HDTV so graphics aren't my consern. Longivity of the system is another thing I'm looking for. I don't want to buy a system that will break down often. I greatly appreciate you taking the time to read and respond to this post.

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#2 lvgaming
Member since 2006 • 739 Posts

Honestly, this isn't a place to ask a question like that. All logical answers will be covered with "cheerleader" answers.

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#3 Squall18
Member since 2004 • 3756 Posts

Personally, the 360.

Out of the 3 systems I play the 360 the most by far. the ps3 is kick a$$ and the online isn't bad for free, but it's not great. The 360 does have too many charges on items, but all in all, the 360 offers the sane games as well as more people on live playing those games.

The ps3 is great tho, don't get me wrong. It's just not better imo. After MGS4 I go on occasionally, but nothing special until winter.

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#4 silverammo
Member since 2006 • 905 Posts
both ps3 and 360 have good games out already. id say ps3 is the way to go no paying a 50 $ annual fee no need to buy a whole mess of accesories ps3 already has them and with the 360 u have a chance of it getting hardware failure and ur gonna have to return it for repairs u dont want that do u . well its ur choice get what u want
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#5 TenP
Member since 2006 • 3338 Posts

If you've got a PS2 and a PSP then get the PS3 MGS4 Bundle before it runs out.

You can play all your PS2 games and you get the Remote Play feature for your PSP. If you're not interested in PS2 games on your PS3 or Remote Play, get a 360.

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#6 CB4McGusto
Member since 2007 • 2644 Posts

Sell your Wii, PS2, and PSP and use that to buy both the 360 and PS3.

You obviously don't need your wii seeing as how you wouldn't have created this thread asking what other console you should get. Obviously the wii isn't satifiying your gaming needs. You can play all your ps2 games on ps3 and psp games are just portable expansions to ps2 games.

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#7 lvgaming
Member since 2006 • 739 Posts

Being that your in College and most likely looking to spend your money wisely. I would get to the 360, you can find a system cheap (new or used) and with amount of games people purchase for the 360, there a ton of used games at Gamestop/Gamecrazy so you can save some money. 360 has a bigger library, but without playing online you eliminate one of the 360's strong points.

The PS3 is also a great buy, but lacks the amount of games 360 has. The build quality of the PS3 is far better than the 360 and doesn't suffer from the hardware issues the 360 is known for. There are only a handful of games that are exclusive and the rest being multiplatform. There isn't a huge advantage when it comes to Multiplatforms on both system, they are almost even.

All in all it will be difficult to find a various amount of games that will have a killer single player version, most games now a days are more towards the on-line gaming community.

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#8 HabzZ
Member since 2008 • 25 Posts

I have both the ps3 and the 360, i recently got my ps3 for mgs4, ive played it 3 times and its probably the best single player game ive played on both consoles.

Pros of the 360:

Better game lineup so far. Gears Halo 3 Cod4 all have very good online play. And also 360 gets exclusive content for GTA4 that the ps3 doesnt get i dont think. So overall gamewise Xbox360>Ps3

The online although for you its $50 its very good compared to psn in my opinion. Also comes with headset for free.

Controller is very good for shooters and slightly better than the ps3 controller, but its pretty bad for fighting games.

Very cheap now, although my 360 cost me more than my ps3 when i got it, now the 360 is very cheap on ebay.

Cons of the 360

Very loud, I mean if i have the 360 on i could hear it 3 rooms away thats how loud it is. PS3 is very quite.

My 360 broke not rrod, but i had to pay $130 (65 pounds) to get it fixed this is before i had the ps3. So not the best of hardware.

Have to buy seprate charging lead costs about $30.

Pros of the PS3

Rechargeable controllers that dont have batteries, so you dont have to pay extra for charge lead like you do for 360.

Internet browser which the 360 doesnt have, very good as i dont have to go on my pc to check the internet.

MGS4 very good game, its not worth buying the ps3 for, no single game is, but its a very good game.

PSN is free, although i dont really like it, since i play most if my games on live. But im sure its good enough for most people.

Hardware overall is better, looks alot nicer aswell.

Cons for PS3

No headset, have to buy seprately.

Not alot of quality games. Ive got MGS4 and resistance and uncharted, all good games but none of them have alot of replay value. And theres not alot of good games on the ps3 yet.

Downloading and installing is frustrating. Like for mgs4 you have to install the game before you play it, if you download a demo you have to wait till it installs, and other updates on games ou have to install. And also the downloads for me are alot slower than Live dont know why.

Although my ps3 was cheap, new ps3s are more expensive than the 360.

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#9 naju890_963
Member since 2008 • 8954 Posts
Ps 3 has got few exclusives but they are very good kuje mgs4 motorstorm resitance and ratchet and clank quest for booty and some new one like littlebigplanet. Online you can download movies demos and playstation home is coming and it will be a smash and its totally free online connection. has a load of features. PS3 covers all the genres you like so better buy it. and for no dissapointing buy the 40GB , 60GB or 80GB models the 20gb just has nothing.
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#11 YoBrandino
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Leapster. Might teach you how to spell 'should'. J/K.

I have the Wii, PS2, and a DS. I then got a 360. I always thought I would get a PS3 truthfully, but it seemed obvious to me to get the 360, and I really couldn't be happier. This way you have access to all the newer high profile multi-plats, and its seems taht right now the 360 has the upper hand on exclusives. The 360 really seems to be holding its own with jRPGs, and thats a big plus to me.

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#12 Keenzach
Member since 2006 • 1210 Posts

I am simply an 18 year old college student who loves video games. I own a PS2, Wii, and a PSP. I am saving up money for either a 360 or PS3. Right now I could go with either one, it is a coin flip. I am asking for your help inI deciding what system I should get. Knowledge from people who own both systems would be greatly appreciated but anyone willing to offer their two cents will gladly be accepted. These are the components that I am really focusing on.

Game Library- Ok, I love platform games, sport games, and fps games are pretty good for me as well. RPGs are ok, not my favorite genre. I'm not the M-rated type but their are some which I can handle I guess. My top question is about Madden 09, COD4, and maybe GTV IV. I want to know which version is better all around. My other big question is exclusives. Quality of exclusives are more important to me rather than quantity.

Online- I'm not a big time gamer on the online spectrum but I like to occasionally play online. I have heard the Xbox Live is awsome but an extra $50/year isn't my cup of jo. If someone could enlighten me on how the Netflix thing will work, I would really appeciate it.

Accesories- It's no secret, these systems alone are already going to cost me an arm. I would like to not have to buy too many accesories to get the "full experience". Preferably another controller, headset for voice chat, and maybe a carrying case. Any other accesories that would be strongley suggested for either system would be good to know.

Basically that is what I'm looking for. My family does not own an HDTV so graphics aren't my consern. Longivity of the system is another thing I'm looking for. I don't want to buy a system that will break down often. I greatly appreciate you taking the time to read and respond to this post.


Games-LBP on ps3 is an awesome platformer coming out ,sports games are on both, and for fps you have reistance and call of duty four PS3 has better exclusives MGS4 is the only exclusive that has gotten a 10 this gen there is your quality and none of those games have a better version.

Online-If you only play occasionally then get a ps3 still because the online is free no use paying $50 a year for something you arent that crazy about. And the netflix to my understanding is you can rent the movies for free with xboxlive i could be wrong though.

Accesories-Neither of them have that many accessories that i can think of so its a tie right there. The headset comes with the 360 and the ps3 doesnt come with one I dont think.

and if you want one of those and one that doesnt breakdown both of than can since the 360 has rrod and ps3 has had blueray drive failure from what I heard but my friend has gotten rrod twice now thats all Im saying

btw Im not a cow anyone who may think so Im just helping this guy out and I really do think ps3 is the best choice for him

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#13 Keenzach
Member since 2006 • 1210 Posts

Sell your Wii, PS2, and PSP and use that to buy both the 360 and PS3.

You obviously don't need your wii seeing as how you wouldn't have created this thread asking what other console you should get. Obviously the wii isn't satifiying your gaming needs. You can play all your ps2 games on ps3 and psp games are just portable expansions to ps2 games.


dude seing as how he has a nintendo icon i dont think he wants to sell his wii one console just isnt enough for some people though thats probably why he wants another one

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#14 Josh5890
Member since 2007 • 1025 Posts

I am the first of 4 children and I go to a community college. If I sold my Wii, my siblings would probably want to murder me.

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#15 Pinkyimp
Member since 2006 • 3623 Posts

Personally, the 360.

Out of the 3 systems I play the 360 the most by far. the ps3 is kick a$$ and the online isn't bad for free, but it's not great. The 360 does have too many charges on items, but all in all, the 360 offers the sane games as well as more people on live playing those games.

The ps3 is great tho, don't get me wrong. It's just not better imo. After MGS4 I go on occasionally, but nothing special until winter.


i second this...like he said XBL is totally worth it if you pay, and it also has the hugest library..

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#16 shaggygrosser
Member since 2003 • 5871 Posts
Just keep the Wii. It's the best system for college parties. And if you're not planning on going to college... then it's still good for parties.
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#17 BubbyJello
Member since 2007 • 2750 Posts

Woooh!! Go team!

I suggest getting an...

Give me an X!... give me a b!... give me an o!... give me an x! Yeah! 360!!

It's way better then the PS3!!

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#18 SaintBlaze
Member since 2007 • 7736 Posts
This isn't a very good place to ask.
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#19 Josh5890
Member since 2007 • 1025 Posts
Does the drop of the PS3 price by $100 change anything else?
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#20 zomgwtfbbqlol1
Member since 2008 • 1226 Posts

just get a good PC/and or graphics card

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#21 shahchip
Member since 2007 • 1282 Posts
look at the new heavy rain info... looks amazing and littlebigplanet, motorstorm pacific rift, GT5 are going to be very good games. I dont regret getting the ps3 (2 months ago) so i say get ps3
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#22 Hellsing2o2
Member since 2004 • 3504 Posts

Consoles are rip offs. Get a PC.

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#23 angelkimne
Member since 2006 • 14037 Posts
What's you're PC like ??? I'm not telling you too get a new PC instead, just generally asking :)
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#24 Bristar
Member since 2002 • 495 Posts
If you have a PC to game on it sounds like the PS3 might be suited to you, If you don't PC game I'd say the 360 with out a doubt. 360 shares many games with the PC but if you can't play those games on the PC then you would be missing out on too many great games without a 360. I personally would choose the 360 either way, but the PS3 might be for you if you can play the games 360/PC shares on a PC.
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#25 sargentbotk
Member since 2007 • 4224 Posts
I would get a PS3. But I can't see myself without my 360...I'd get both if I were you, but not everyone can get both. So uh...I'd like for you to answer that yourself. :)
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#26 ThisCurse
Member since 2007 • 1258 Posts

Sounds like you have a lot of systems alreasdy. Just saying that selling one or more of them will help toward getting a 360 or PS3, especially if youre a poor college student. You can only play one system at a time anyhow.

Oh, and PS3

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#27 njean777
Member since 2007 • 3807 Posts

well since you dont want to pay for online and you dont seem to be big on the online i would go ps3. Great exclusives, no acessories needed unless you want a mic for online which is cheap (you can use a blue tooth or any usb headset). Also all the games you listed play great on the ps3 i have them all ex. gta4 didnt like that one but they all play just fine. Plus it does not have the RROD issues that plauge the 360.