Outside of Travis Touchdown, everyone else is an irredeemable mess with the new Samus, Marcus Fenix (although GeOW has a PC version) and Nathan Drake being the worst for their own systems. There are likable characters though, though they are heavily outnumbered by the bad characters, for instance, I liked my renegade female Shepard.
Edit: I may be exagerating a bit, since I am actually indifferent toward Master Chief, Mario and Link, and I also like Sackboy who wasn't mentioned in the poll. Still, if I was going to say better, it would go to Microsoft who have Frank West and he covered wars you know.
Nathan Drake and pals are full of epic win, I hope to god there's a movie.
Various sources are hinting towards an Uncharted movie. I don't know when and if it will be released though.
It really wouldn't surprise me, have you seen the 'behind the scenes' video's? There's a ton of Hollywood that goes into the making of those cut scenes.
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