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Feel free to cast stones (or call me names spelled with equal parts numbers and letters) but I think it's getting difficult to even define RPG. Bare bones, they used to just be super long games involving potions and some variation of trolls. Now well-done games are so immersiveand innovative that old heroic archetypes and game stereotypes are fading fast. I've read people debating JRPG's vs. WRPG's and I can tell the difference as well as I could differentiate between House and Trance music (i.e. I can't). Don't get me wrong, RPG's are my genre of choice. Ocarina of Time was the only game I ever called in sick for work to play, but some people have even contested that it is not an RPG.
That said, whoever gets Square Enix in their corner is going to have a headstart, but more than likely some unknown franchise is going to win us over more because it won't carry the expectations that Final Fantasy does.
So far, the 360 is lined up to do this. But if the Wii VC would release the back catalogue of games that made us all love RPG's (Earthbound, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, and all the old Final Fantasies), they could be the winning underdog (like the cool retro cartoon, not the lame live action abomination).
I see everyone forgot about white night story for ps3... i can play all of your westernt rpgs on my pc so i wont count them
iam lookin forward too eternal sonata which i will have to deal with out playing
but honestly look at history folks, playstation has rpg in its blood...
I prefer the PS3 RPGs over what the 360 offers, I've been quite let down by them as more footage has been shown/demos played. *Ahem* I hope it won't happen with the PS3 ones too.
But, I'm a sucker for Final Fantasy games and FFXIII had me hooked on the first trailer.
The 360 definitely.
First off it has innovations in RPG's in games like Mass Effect, Fallout 3, Fable 2and Bioshock. It will please JRPG fans immensely with Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon since those games have the original creator and also the composer of Final Fantasy( the guys who brought us the likes of FF7). Also FFXIII is rumored to appear on 360 too. I doubt how well RPG's will do on the Wii because those games are the opposite of casual gamers who have friends to come over. You don't need the Wiimote for RPG's and you definitely need the best graphics to be drawn into the narrative.
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