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Pls let me know cause i own gears of war and its totaly awsome but i keep hearing all this talk on how much fun Resistace is to play.101gamespot
Ill be honest with u, I have a 360 and a ps3 and have both games, and geow single player was prolly alot better then resistance the only thing I wished was that the game was longer, because I beat the game in all difficulty settings and was kind of mad at how short the game was but single player and story kicked a**. I kind of like th online for geow aswell but it just seems to me that ppl keep playing 3 of the same maps which makes it not so fun because I wanna play in the other maps aswell but still very fun to play if u have your friends online but it gets kind of boring kind of fast maybe because I just enjoy having more players to play wit but still the online play is still fun.
With resistance I really enjoyed the games single player with all da wepons they had, it just made this game even more amazing, the story was ok I guess but im sure they couldve did a better job but do to the rush for launch they had to speed it up but still very good single player and is alot of fun. What makes this game awsome tho is the online expirience, I mean damn they have so many different type games to choose from and u can choose what weapons to use and so on and u can have up to 40 players but I yet to run into a room with 40 but im sure as more ps3's come out and sold and ppl get this game, this game will see alot of rooms running 40 players and even tho I have played in rooms where there were 12 on 12, this game is just insanely fun and I think I have played it for oover 150 hours and im still having a blast, I am just waiting until the new maps come in and updates and I cant wait to play the new levels, its gonna be insane, but yes the online play is very addicting I have to say and yes if u own a ps3 and dont have this game, I say go out and grab this game, online is free and u will not regret it. :)
I think Resistance is more fun. Resistance has more replay value. Online is fast paced and a lot like Unreal Tournament. If you like tactical shooters then you might like Gears better. Gears is not tactical like R6:V, but it's more tactical than Resistance. Also, if you're a graphics whore, you'll love Gears. WARRZONEso im not alone
I think Resistance is more fun. Resistance has more replay value. Online is fast paced and a lot like Unreal Tournament. If you like tactical shooters then you might like Gears better. Gears is not tactical like R6:V, but it's more tactical than Resistance. Also, if you're a graphics whore, you'll love Gears. WARRZONE
Is ur sig correct MS hasnt reached 10 mill yet?
[QUOTE="WARRZONE"]I think Resistance is more fun. Resistance has more replay value. Online is fast paced and a lot like Unreal Tournament. If you like tactical shooters then you might like Gears better. Gears is not tactical like R6:V, but it's more tactical than Resistance. Also, if you're a graphics whore, you'll love Gears. -Sir-Poof-
Is ur sig correct MS hasnt reached 10 mill yet?
They shipped that many, but they haven't sold that many in stores. This info is from Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo report their sales differently. Sony says they shipped x amount; they rarely say how many sold. Microsoft says x amount sold. Microsoft counts a sale as a sale to a retailer since all retailers have to pay the manufacturer before they get their systems. makes a hypothesis about how many consoles are out and adds onto them as time goes on. Nexgenwars uses an equation to predict amount sold. VGCharts pulls info from many sources. So while MS has shipped over 10 million, they have not sold that many. Nothing is for sure though. I'm just saying that VGCharts is the most reliable source to trust beneath NPD numbers, which VGCharts uses, but they're only for the US. While people will argue until their blue in the face about which site is more trustworthy, I trust VGCharts the most for worldwide totals.I've spent alot of time with both games, but ALOT more with Resistance, so I'm a tad bias here. But, having played both for a fair amount of time on and offline, Resistance is better, for me. Its faster paced, and I enjoy how you play it better. Its really a completely different game. They are kind of hard to compare. Really the only thing they had in common was that they both came out in Nov of last year. ANYWAYS, I had more fun with Resistance. wefferExactly. They are really different games. But the single player of Resistance is WAY more engaging than Gears. I liked the multiplayer better also but it's totally different than what the multi in Gears offers. Both are fun but Resistance just seems to offer more as far as gameplay.
[QUOTE="101gamespot"]Pls let me know cause i own gears of war and its totaly awsome but i keep hearing all this talk on how much fun Resistace is to play.squallff8_fan
Ill be honest with u, I have a 360 and a ps3 and have both games, and geow single player was prolly alot better then resistance the only thing I wished was that the game was longer, because I beat the game in all difficulty settings and was kind of mad at how short the game was but single player and story kicked a**. I kind of like th online for geow aswell but it just seems to me that ppl keep playing 3 of the same maps which makes it not so fun because I wanna play in the other maps aswell but still very fun to play if u have your friends online but it gets kind of boring kind of fast maybe because I just enjoy having more players to play wit but still the online play is still fun.
With resistance I really enjoyed the games single player with all da wepons they had, it just made this game even more amazing, the story was ok I guess but im sure they couldve did a better job but do to the rush for launch they had to speed it up but still very good single player and is alot of fun. What makes this game awsome tho is the online expirience, I mean damn they have so many different type games to choose from and u can choose what weapons to use and so on and u can have up to 40 players but I yet to run into a room with 40 but im sure as more ps3's come out and sold and ppl get this game, this game will see alot of rooms running 40 players and even tho I have played in rooms where there were 12 on 12, this game is just insanely fun and I think I have played it for oover 150 hours and im still having a blast, I am just waiting until the new maps come in and updates and I cant wait to play the new levels, its gonna be insane, but yes the online play is very addicting I have to say and yes if u own a ps3 and dont have this game, I say go out and grab this game, online is free and u will not regret it. :)
This is probably the most unbiased post you will get on this topic. I don't try to take anything away from Gears b/c I love the game... but R:FOM just offers a lot more (except for graphics of course).
And yea, I haven't been in a room with up to 40 players since Dec. (through the matchmaking), but I still find quite a few rooms with 32 players... and of course some ppl host their own 40 player games. probably the only 360 owner that will say thatpoopinloop32That's because everyone else likes to tell lies to back up the pittyful 4 on 4 game. I own both and I say RFOM is far better and the online achivements that you earn own Gears. You got very detailed stats, stripes, medals, MMO, lots of weapons, it's fast paced, most of the levels are huge, etc...
Resistance is Serious Sam meets Call of Duty... So it's pretty generic. Guns give it something, but not much.
If you like Quake style multiplayer that is fast and you die instantly because the guns shoot dead on strait.
This is the game for you.
I did not play this. I watched plenty of videos and seen many reviews and this is my conclusion.
Yeah, you can't really judge how fun it is based on what you saw. You need to play it to get the whole experience. Even the demo is not a real good indicator, since it's only a snipet of the game. I would try to find a way to play a few levels of each game before I make the buy. You can't judge a book by it's cover. :wink:Resistance is Serious Sam meets Call of Duty... So it's pretty generic. Guns give it something, but not much.
If you like Quake style multiplayer that is fast and you die instantly because the guns shoot dead on strait.
This is the game for you.
I did not play this. I watched plenty of videos and seen many reviews and this is my conclusion.
[QUOTE="Resident_Fan_"]Gears of Warfamilyguyvs360I would like to hear an explaination is to why you think this.
gears>rfom graphics. Â fact
gears>rfom sp. Â opinion
gears>rfom coop. Â fact
gears>rfom online. opinion
That's my opinion. If you haven't played gears coop then you haven;t really played it multi player.
Pls let me know cause i own gears of war and its totaly awsome but i keep hearing all this talk on how much fun Resistace is to play.101gamespot
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